I like the colors but the color palette doesn't flow well. It doesn't need to be these exact colors, we just want the palette to be inspired by the Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta). Many images of this color palette can be found on Google Images if you look at the actual tree. It is quite inspiring.
I like the leaf and I like the arrow on the "ll" combined. Also, can you try a logo? Something that I can easily convert to a social media icon? You could put it above the word or next to it...
Nice! #149 is in the lead although the font from #150 is super-nice (we always need a capital F though).
For #149 can you try the following:
1) Try to make the leaf look a little bit less like a candle. 2) We don't want the word bell a different color, but you can try experimenting with: - Just the "ll" (arrows) in green. - Just the "v" in green - other unique/weird color combo you think might be cool. - Feel free to try and incorporate the new font from 150 as it is nice (optional)
I need to see something more fresh and web 2.0 looking or I don't think you are going to make it an I like working with you! The more graphically creative ones are the ones we seem to like most right now.
I just noticed there is a leaf between the two arrows in the logo #150. I love that. Also, we electronically move money in two directions, so there is a lot of meaning. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to make it all work together. WE don't like the word BELL standing out in a different color that is for sure and we usually like bigger F's as you know. Please keep trying
I think I like the font of 184 the best (not the colors, just the Italics and the F).
I'm stuck between italics or not.
Can we try:
- the logo (and colors) of #220 but with the font, italics and F of #184? - Also can we do a square dot on the "i" that lines up with the F (not higher or lower) - Finally we need to soften the "b" so it looks a bit more rounded near the bottom, more like #178 or #146 or #71 -see how those b's are a little more contemporary?
Also one more request: Can you take 221 (the winner right now) and using the exact same logo and font (no changes) show me what this looks like in the style of 211?
In other words, I want to see a big Green Leaf/Arrows _on top of_ the text (but no square, around the leaf/arrows just your beautiful leaf with arrows in big).
hi thank you for your feedback and comments :), i personally like #221 and #222 from all the logos i made, but if i have to choose between those two, i prefer #221.
Triwaw, #223 is amazing. Just what I asked for. You are going to win we just want to experiment with a few options first. I showed your design to 20 people, they think the leaf/arrow design is GORGEOUS the only recommended change is to try and make the font a bit less heavy, more light and more futuristic.
So can we try:
- Keeping "Fivebell" as is but make the font sans serif (that should lighten it up) and make the fade more subtle ("Fivebell" stays in italics).
- THEN EXPERIMENT 1: Can we try changing the direction of the leaf line to see what it looks like the other way (so basically flip the logo in #223 vertically).
- THEN EXPERIMENT 2: For our social media icon (the leaf in the square), see if we can remove "Fivebell" from below it, and somehow add an "F" into the button?
- THEN EXPERIMENT 3: Try attaching the point of the top arrow to the point of the "F" - top left corner of it (if this looks good then this is how the "F" could be incorporated into the social media icon perhaps.
WHEN WE ARE DONE: will will want to experiment with a few different colors from our rainbow tree (curious to see what it would look like in a purply/grey, orange and just grey).
We are very close my friend --thank you!! You WILL win it's just a matter of finishing touches.
Triwaw you are great. Love the new color and more gentle fade. I think I like the leaf stem in this new direction looks better too. I like how it now sort of looks like it is aligned/shooting out of the "i" and also how the directionality of the leaf stem is now aligned with the italics of the word.
For the next revision please take 227 and:
1) Tighten up the arrow heads a little bit so they a look more symmetrical to each other, they are a bit wavy/flimsy now. Make sure the angles look good/symmetrical between the arrow heads and the arrow ends on each side as well. We are looking for Symmetry.
2) Get back the other F that we like better (like 228 or 221/222, all the same I think, our preferred F style).
3) The stem cuts a little too deep into the bottom arrow (about 67%). Can you move the stem (or shorten it, whatever looks best) so that it only cuts 50% into the bottom arrow. If you can find a way to make that a little more symmetrical on top so the top part of the leaf cuts a little (does not have to be 50%) into the top arrow.
We are darn close my friend.
This is our firs tournament, how doe sit work, we only select one in the end?
#230 is the new winner, it's almost perfect. Love the font, love the F, love the color, love the leaf, stem and the cleaner arrow heads. I also LOVE that each arrow end is now a 180 degree (East/West) flat line.
1) I would like the arrow heads to be pointing exactly left and right geometrically (perfect East and West as well). To accomplish this, I _think all you need to do is rotate the graphic (not the text obviously) one or two degrees clockwise. --when you do this, it may actually bring the stem a little closer to the "i" which I want. --make sure the arrows do not pass the borders of the letters, the word Fivebell should continue to be equal to or wider than the graphic (like you have done). 2) I would like to find a way to better align the base of the leaf's stem with the "i" in Fivebell below it (without ruining any of the other great stuff you have done) -hopefully you can find a way to do this without changing anything else. 3) Let's try taking away the dot on the "i" again and bring the graphic just a little bit closer to the text...the idea is that very subtly the leaf will be the subliminal dot of the "i".
Thank you, I really think this might be the last round of changes of you nail it!