Such simplicity and is very beautiful. I wonder what it would look like if the dots were gone and instead if silhouettes of bodies (of all sizes) were dancing on those crossed lines that look like open arms. Some arms in the air and some grooving as if dancing??? Your work is just beautiful. Thank you!!!
You are fast and good! A logo like yours with the flower and silhouettes as the petals would be beautiful too....your work is just lovely. Thanks!!!! :)
I like the concept a lot. I wonder if there is a way to make the bodies look more feminine/round or even more like real people silhouettes in a tribal sort of dance ? That may be asking too much :)
If I had a flower like your logo only each petal representing/ being a woman's body (showing thin and fat and average sized bodies) that would be amazing. Mixed with the text style/color like entry 3.
I like the text/ tag line and colors best from entry 3 now that I am living with it.
If that is too much.... I might also settle on entry 4 with entry 3's text style and colors.
Thanks so much for all this great really.
After talking to a seasoned art director, I changed my top choice to your Entry number 2. We are both excited and hopeful to choose one of your designs and have an idea. We think the clean clear design of 2 is easiest for print production whereas entry 4 has text with blue all around that can cause print challenges later.
Our excited wish and likely winder of this contest is something like your number 2 entry in design and color and text. Yet instead of dots as the circle, it would be a circle of dancers of various sized bodies (some with one leg kicking up (I can send you images that express the style of the dancers with an email address perhaps from my iphone)
The director felt the image of the bodies on all the other submissions look very generic and we want to express the community of feeling good together at all sizes. (now dancing)
If you go to the trouble to do this and place the dancers in a circle like entry 2....I will likely choose this and end the contest. :)
Hi Amy, I am pretty sure entry 11 is the winner.....can it be in teal and burgundy and have all the letters in the tag line be the same color except "Your" in the opposite color so it stands out ever so slightly? :)