Fitness MandalaLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Fitness Mandala Fitness Mandala has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 122 designs from 11 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by ordmode Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 2nd #103 Withdrawn 6th #79 Withdrawn 8th #23 Withdrawn New #24 Withdrawn New #107 Withdrawn New #106 Withdrawn New #105 Withdrawn New #104 Withdrawn New #78 Withdrawn New #77 Withdrawn New #76 Withdrawn New #75 Withdrawn New #71 Discussion jsyfko Client I like #24, I am wondering what you could do with the blank space in the middle of the image. Maybe it could actually be something?? I like how many lines you used and that it looks like an energy source. 12 years ago jsyfko Client Regarding #23, can you take out some of the colors and focus it more on golds, yellows, oranges and maybe a royal blue? 12 years ago jsyfko Client Can you make the #24 image a little bit more bold...not fully but the lines get very faint especially when it's small. 12 years ago ordmode Logo Designer Hi, thanks for your feedback.. yes, I will work on them now! 12 years ago jsyfko Client On #79 can you add beneath the word mandala in small print (----- I will. I do. I am -------) with the dashes an actual line please 12 years ago ordmode Logo Designer Thanks, herein for your review #103.. 12 years ago jsyfko Client Can you #103 and #79 in black and white? 12 years ago ordmode Logo Designer Hi, here is the updated entry in black and white:#104 & #105 - with transparency preserved.#106 & #107 - flat/solid black. 12 years ago