I like were entry #15 is going, I would like to see the slogan "exercise your style" incorporated . The outside of the store is a teal color (bluish/green). Could the colors be played with?
Sure the colours can be any you like. If the store is teal, a black and white logo would go great. Orange would go well too. I can play around with it. I will add the slogan too. :-)
Thank you, I really like it. The red looks great I just want to see how it would look in other colors and with the slogan added. I was either going to go with "exercise your syle" or "move in style" not sure what would sound or look better??
If your background is more blue than green I can change it but I just put them on the teal colour bg so you can get a better idea of the logo colours. Let me know if you want to see any of the slogans or fonts changed around
If your background is very close to the bg colour I put up, I would go with with white. It's more contrast so if you decide to print it in black and white, it will come out sharper and cleaner. If the background you use is lighter I would go with the grey. You could always use the grey on the white background then have a version that's white for the teal background.