The blue dot you used in Sumya personal training logo - we really like that color blue. Also, the log we have ranked #1 we love the moniker because we will be a mobile application. maybe you can come up with a creative "square" moniker that goes with the logo design that has depth and some zing and pop to it.
We like #197 be we prefer lower case letters that are tall and thin... Think models and athletes. Also, our square moniker needs depth, slight 3d feel to it and should really pops and shine.
My concern with #197's moniker is that it looks like it has a Nike swoosh symbol and we want to avoid that, Be creative and think outside the box.
#228 - We really like the moniker! Nice work green... But we don't like the font. We prefer something similar to #122 or #217. Let's be a little creative with the font and see what we come up with. I just ask that you keep the font tall and thin or skinny. Maybe an offset in the font like in # 194.