Fit for RoyalsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fit for Royals

Fit for Royals has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 177 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.














































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
#147 : thought you may want to see it in black and white only.
8 years ago
I do like the black and white better! May I see you play around with the placement of fit for"? Perhaps it can be placed on top of O and Y or "fit for" to stretch from O to S? Thank you
8 years ago
Logo Designer
to stretch it from O to S may make the text a bit large , perhaps is better on top of O and Y . either way i'll give it a shot .
i forgot to mention that the R with the lion may be used as a standalone sort of monogram.
thank you.
8 years ago
Yes can I see the R as a standalone with the text underneath?!
8 years ago
Logo Designer
8 years ago
The standalone looks good. Can I see the lion wrapped around the number 4 and place"fit" on top and "Royals" on the bottom?
8 years ago
Logo Designer
see what you mean... it's gonna take a little...
8 years ago
No problem
8 years ago
If the lion looks weird, you can face the lion to the left instead of the right
8 years ago
Logo Designer
no. the lion must face right ( western culture places parts in logos facing right : symbolism of growth / forward movement/ advancement on, positive stuff) .
my problem is that FIT is a very small word ...and that's looking weird. . think i'm going to use lines on sides of FIT to make it more equal with royals
8 years ago
Logo Designer
i think i might have a winner for you .

a sec to prepare and upload.
(then i'm off to bed...cause here is 1 am... ) . i'll be back in about 8 hours or so :) .
thanks a lot.
8 years ago
Wow I like the 4 also! Thank you for telling me about the direction for the lion,I had no idea! I see what you mean with " for " being so small. Can I see #154 made like #153? And lastly, can I see the text written in different styles of fonts(not including the standalone)? Thanx!
8 years ago
Logo Designer
let me see if i get it right : so #154 made with the graphic on top and all text below as in #153.
any preferred type of font ?
thank you.
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#161 & #162 : hope i got the directions well.
one with same font, one with a more modern/sporty font.
8 years ago
Logo Designer
please let's eliminate what we are sure we can't use :)
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#164: definitely my favorite.
reworked a bit the graphic to make it stand out, be a little more elegant.
font...masculine and easy to work with in print /stencil and t-shirts.
8 years ago
Yes they are looking real good! May I see how #153, #163, and #164 look without lines?
8 years ago
Logo Designer
okay . let me locate them :)))
8 years ago
Logo Designer
got them. uploading now.
8 years ago
These are coming out great!! Are you able to place the lion on the O? If you can, can you do it with #151? You can keep the R the same size if necessary
8 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning :) least here :)

I could do it , but the overall effect won't be the same. the o with the lion will be somehow lost inside the text, and at small sizes may become almost invisible, or look like a blob.
the best idea (all the people i've asked agreed) is actually the 4 with the lion , cause it can be used as standalone as icon /favicon , t-shirt printing , just think how elegant and cool it will look with the text FIT and only the icon with the 4 , it's self explanatory , which is fantastic for a logo.
if you really want i can make the O with the lion , but please, consider first what i said above. thanks a lot .
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#168 : lion inside the O . that should cover it :)
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#169 : this version has the R a bit larger so it aligns on top with "fit for"
8 years ago
I see what you mean. The O gets kinda lost. Do you think it would still be lost if ROYALS were the same size?
8 years ago
Logo Designer
tried that already , both sides.... doesn't work...actually the o gets like a hump on a side...
8 years ago
Logo Designer
personal opinion : #153 and #167 are the best of the bunch :)
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#170 ROYALS the same size
8 years ago
Logo Designer
any new input ?
thank you very much .
8 years ago
#170 is perfect. All I need is for you to put the number 4 with the lion on top of 170:)
8 years ago
Logo Designer
:) okay . a sec.
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#171 : here you are :)
8 years ago
Logo Designer
so, shall i dust off my wallet ? :))))
8 years ago
You definitely can! Do just one more design for me! Can you use the same font but write "FFR" in all caps? You may place the lion on either the first F, the second F, the R, or all three. I will make my final decision after one of those designs. Let's get them
8 years ago
You definitely can! Do just one more design for me! Can you use the same font but write "FFR" in all caps? You may place the lion on either the first F, the second F, the R, or all three. I will make my final decision after one of those designs. Let's get them
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#172 : i left an F without the lion so you can make a comparison ... but i'd use the lion on R only.
8 years ago
They just get better and better! This is the last one(please don't kill me)! Take the lion off of the the first F and place a slanted crown instead, make the second F the number 4, leave the R, the way it its, and then place that on top of #170's design.
8 years ago
Logo Designer
haha okay . just : slanted crown ? first that'll ruin the crown itself, and second.... F with crown first, 4 with lion second and R with lion again ...isn't it a bit too much ?
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#173 : done
8 years ago
Logo Designer
i'm gonna dream only lions tonight :))))
8 years ago
Logo Designer
you should add a little something to the prize :) ... for some extra...10 coffees ...
8 years ago
Logo Designer
so ? can we do something today ? so i can remove all other entries from the contest ?
thanks a lot :)
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#174 : just realized that i forgot the 4 inside ...apologize for that .
8 years ago
My apologies for not responding yesterday. I just noticed that none of my comments uploaded. I see what you mean about it looking too busy with the 4. I still like 173 the best. The only thing is the crown is too short. I like the width of it but if you can stretch it upwards that would be good. Also in the text, can you write F4R instead of FOR? You don't have to put any embellishment on the number. And yes I will be adding money to the prize
8 years ago
Logo Designer
don't make me be ashamed of myself :)))

so ...stretch the crown upwards up to ...about how long ? inside the text if you put F4R at first glance it will read FAR ... but if you really want it i'll do it...
8 years ago
Logo Designer
ok: let's make a test : uploading now.
8 years ago
Logo Designer
#175 : larger crown and F4R instead normal text .
please , take a minute and eliminate everything you are sure you can't use.
8 years ago
Logo Designer
by any chance you could see the last one ? cause i wasn't very sure about the size of the crown
8 years ago
Yes I saw the size of the crown of the last one. I still want the crown to be a little bigger and more pronounced. II'll follow your direction as far as changing FOR back to letters (it does look like far)! I'll start ranking the designs I don't want. You're doing a great job by the way! Thank you for your patience
8 years ago
And when i mean bigger for the crown i mean higher or taller. Stretched upwards. Again, Thank you for your patience
8 years ago
Logo Designer
I finally got what you meant by bigger crown :) ...took a while :)

#176 : i think that's it.
8 years ago
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