Thank you for reading and incorporating the comments in my contest briefing!!! Great job with this! The font you chose for the word "feisty" has a feisty look which is good, but we need to choose feisty font that is easily readable from a distance. We would also like to change the color of that word to the bright green. We really like the green circle you put around the silhouette. We also like the silhouette of the woman but may prefer a similar one with a dumbbell in her hand.
Also I would like the shape of the logo to more closely match the existing sign. The letters should not extend below the slogan, and the slogan seems like it should be slightly larger.
Thank you! You are definitely going the right direction. I think we can get a more feminine look by adding an eyelash, lowering the arm with the dumbbell a little, bring her other arm in a little so it doesn't stick out so far, and soften the line between that armpit and her waist to give her a slightly thinner appearance. Also make the pony tail longer. Thanks again!
we love your silhouette in entry #72. If you could incorporate that in with a font and color similar to that of entry 25 and put it all together in the shape of entry 49 you would have it. if you can do this for us we want to end the contest early. Thank you so much.