hi there Hope you like my entries - #57 shows 4 colored rock/blocks/pebbles and hidden in between is the invisible white space the cross - hope you can visualise the cross ( white space )
the cross and the blocks seem to compete, but i like the thought and the use of colors, like that it is artistic or like stained glass, but could be a little more sophisticated........
I am sorry - am unable to understand your reference to 3 sets of wave in post dated August 25th, 2009, 11:44am above - please quote design number with the hash symbol # followed by the number for easy reference - thanks for understanding.
PS: As i understand you want three wave to represent an abstract mountain and to match the slogan - will do the needful.
thanks for the feedback the colors in #126 and #101 are the same - and how do want me to blend #99 and #101 ? - guess you want more than 3 wave - i will do that in just a while and upload as many variations as possible
Entry #139 ---> a blend of #99 and #101 - i have made the wave larger so that you can take a clear look at it - let me know if you want more changes - your feedback is important to me and i am available for any number of changes you may want - so please do not hesitate to contact me - changes can be made even in Judging mode - and Judging mode can so remain, for couple of days - thanks
#140 a variation of the blend Entry #141 Entry #142 larger wave