I like the black background! Can you make all of the text in caps, remove the bold in the text "Fin". Make the bottom of the fin and the word "productions" in metallic color.
Also in a separate submission, can you reverse the top and bottom colors of the fin (using the metallic instead of the gray) and then another one just like this, but reverse the colors of "Finiti" and "Productions" (again using metallic instead of gray.
I like this concept. I would like to change the last "i" to look like the first "i" so it flows like a wave. I would like it if you could come up with some other logos like this style/look.
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feel free to ask me for any question
i will help you
maybe you want other colour instead blue,grey?
Also in a separate submission, can you reverse the top and bottom colors of the fin (using the metallic instead of the gray) and then another one just like this, but reverse the colors of "Finiti" and "Productions" (again using metallic instead of gray.
best regards,