Fifth DimensionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fifth Dimension

Fifth Dimension has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 64 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.




















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Logo Designer
I chose to make the honeycomb rings and droplet very simple. I also chose a very rich and warm shade of gold and used a custom golden chrome shine that is also used in the text. The richer and warmer the shade of gold used, the more effective it will be as a call to action for consumers. I also brought in an interesting and masculine treatment of the word dimension, which gives a subtle boldness through the outlined text without losing the form of the word. There is also a stroke underneath the text of the same length as the bottom of the honeycombs, this serves to integrate the text and symbol into a more harmonious whole and to create an elegant downward 'triangle' with the two lines of text and the stroke. The slogan is a blend of three different script typefaces (one for the majority of letterforms and a separate one for the capital E and another again for the ampersand) this gives your logo a unique and elegant touch, combining the most powerful elements from three different font sets. Note that all the text including the slogan is readable even at very small sizes. That really gives a lot of flexibility with the logos use.

I would love to hear any feedback and ideas that you have. Thanks for taking the time to consider my design.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
I forgot to mention - I took some creative license and rotated the hexagons on a different axis, I think from their arrangement and the drip of honey that they are honeycombs. The reason I chose to do this is not only to differentiate from other logos with honeycomb to create a unique logo but also because the eye sees the top and bottom sides of the hexagon symbol as a stable horizontal line, which is masculine, pleasing to the eye and also compliments the text really well. Please let me know what you think of this, I can rotate the honeycomb if you would prefer but I wanted to show you it this way so you can see what I mean beforehand. Looking forward to your response.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

I have gone with the different honeycomb rotation and a more natural and rich look to the interior of the honeycomb segments. This way it has a sense of warmth and intimacy, without losing the chrome feel and the masculinity. Note that the same symbol - #25 and #26 look great against both backgrounds, with just a small change to the text. This gives great versatility when it comes to printing as it is a strong design regardless of background. I made the overall logo a bit larger in the frame so you could see more of the slogan typeface for analysis.

Happy that you are liking the designs so far, once again I welcome any feedback or ideas that you may have.

12 years ago
HELLO i quite like entry #25. if you could possibly make the writing of the fifth dimension bolder and bigger it would be much appreciated.also the rings just slightly big than what they are with a slightly thicker 3d effect please. thank you very much. out of the bunch you are by far the most talented logo designer.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Thanks very much for your compliment, brought a big smile to my face! Although my username is "designstudent" I was only a student when I joined 4 years ago, now I run my own studio in Melbourne.

With entry #25 I have made a slightly thicker and bigger 3D effect on the rings, with the lighting at the angle that it is at I can't intensify the 3D effect further without altering the look and feel of the whole honeycomb design as the light source would have to change as well. It definitely does look much warmer and richer with the enhanced frame though which is probably what you were intuitively going for. Fifth Dimension is bolder and bigger as well.

Are there any other alterations or improvements you would like to see? Thanks for the feedback as well, it really helps us designers get an idea of what concept/aesthetic you are looking for so that we can create a logo that matches your vision :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Also, I created another version of the revision with the slogan a little smaller, this helps Fifth Dimension pop a bit more as well.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I created two versions of the updated logo (the version with the smaller slogan) one reflecting the honeycomb and one reflecting the text. Just another way of bringing that 3D and Web2.0 feel into the logo and gives it a subtle classy touch.
12 years ago
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