#60 we like this one, can you make the text and box straight (no warp). Aslo can we loose the picture in the background for one and have one with a harp there instead in another.
#101 Looks wicked but we are looking for something with a bit more shape/bigger (emblem). We like the colours and lettering. If you could do someting similar but just more shape so its bigger. Even put the harp ontop of the lettering. Hope this makes sense
#112 Can you change 'Bar and Restaurant' to 'Bar & Restaurant' And could you change '2006' to '2007'. Different harp if you can. Smaller harp ontop of Fiddlers Green and estb left of the harpand 2007 on the right side of the harp.
#122 Hey Marty can you put a thicker gold liner around the logo. and make est 2007 a bit bigger so it can be seen more clearly. And also the harp needs to be a bit smaller.