#10 Looking for a more shiny gold. I like the banner with 'Irish bar and restaurant. Instead of a full circle with 'Fiddlers Green' maybe a semi circle onto of the bottom banner.
#31 i like, the detail at the top of the border am looking for something a litle longer in length, this is going to be used on tshirts and the front windows, letterhead and website, it needs to be lengthened out. really like the incline detail on the top the pivot. can we keep that. try all white writing. the semi circled ones are too hard to read and not as traditional as we would like. like the flare, some old worldly swirls incorporated would be good, like you would see on an old wooden picture frame or mirror, i've put a link here for you to follow to get an idea of the type of "swirl" i'm referring to.. can we see a copy of this on the edge outline at the top (thick), and maybe one with the swirl embedded behind the harp/text. also a slight pivot in the top of the incline arches.