FerroCityLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / FerroCity

FerroCity has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 126 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Thank you in advance for your creative work on this design project. Interesting font choice, and the reflection/shadow in #9 is well done. The design is a very nice first run at the project. It is a bit to corporate and not Urban Hip enough.

As laid out in the "Contest Brief" there are several elements that we feel are important and mandatory for and in the design. Copied below;

Utilizing an urban “tagged” font / feel the name needs to be easily readable and capable of being reproduced in both color and black and white.

The logo must remain a stand alone element that can not only move about the website seamlessly it must also move throughout all forms of media (Clothing Logos, Stickers, etc.) A subtle add on will be a shadow cast by the name.The shadow should read “Ferocity”.

We look forward to your next submission addressing said specific.

Thanks again!
12 years ago
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