Our original idea is to get a straight font as #150. When I saw your design, I really like it. Can you creat more? Can you try to use the straight font to see what it looks like? Thank you for your great work~
#154, pls don't worry about the backgroud color. Can you make some revisions on the current designs as below? ' 1. #154: can you take away the "line" between two F? 2. Can you try other F as the first F to see what results we have? 3. Can you have more ideas replacing the "feather" on the top of i?
I've submitted 5 variations with the specifications you asked, except one of them. I tried to make the second F like the first one, but I'm afraid that will not work. It won't look professional. (I could upload a version so you'll see what I mean). It ruins the layout.
Other than the revisions you asked, I submitted a version with two elegant Fs and a straight, classy typeface. (#171)
I hope you enjoy them. Let me know if you think of something else.
I submitted #189 and #190. If you'd like to go with this concept, you can send me a list of color variations you'd like to have, and I will send them to you.