Hello, thanks for your very individual log designs, very nice. Can you provide the #68 in orange and green, yellow and green, green and gray and in general Academy a bit bigger in writing. Thanks a lot!!!
Hello, wow very fast, thank you!!! I still prefer nr 68 because of the nice colour combination from yellow to red. I have a another question, I also like the nr.74, but the logo looks like a sad face, the orange part looks like a sad mouth, can you change it to a smiling mouth and in the same colour and also in green and orange. Thank you so much
Hello, Im in contact with cottonwood, because i would like to see his design of the human with the butterfly and your writing and the color. So I want a mixture of both of you. First I want to see how it looks together and then I will make my final decision. Thanks for cooperation. Bye
I have included two alternate colors of the designs that have been combined. hopefully it is perfect for your company. but if you want more changes, please let me know.
Hello, also thanks to you for your cooperation and the perfect logo at the end. I just need the brown human a little bit smaller but I think this can be done after the contest if you send it to me. Bye bye
thanks I received the logo, but I need the human the brown one a bit smaller, like almost the size of the writing, is this possible? Is it also possible that you send the human and the butterfly extra in one logo and the writing in one logo, like seperate? That would be great!!!