feelgood academyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / feelgood academy

feelgood academy has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 257 designs from 39 different designers from around the world.




















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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Hello, here is my first entry. If you would like to see any changes to this design, just let me know. Thanks!
13 years ago
Hello, I do like your logo a lot specially the idea with the butterfly!!! please write feelgood seperate
like feel good. And i like colour combinations like orange and green, brown and blue, brown and green or maybe yellow and blue. I want attract man and woman with the different colour. Can you also make the "person" a little bit smaller, its looks a little bit fat ;-)
Thanks for late time workin, if you are also in Germany...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your feedback! Yes, I am in Germany, working late :-) I submitted #115 before I saw what you wrote, that's why it doesn't have everything that you suggested. I will submit more versions tomorrow morning.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are a few more versions. If you would like to see anything else, just let me know. Thanks!
13 years ago
Hi, thanks for all the designs with different colors. I would like to see it in blue and yellow and brown and orange like in #148, 139, 142, thank you!!!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your feedback! Do you mean you want the 4 colors in 1 logo, or separately?

Can you tell me exactly which logo you want with which colors (example: logo #139 with the blue from #148 and the brown from #145)?

Thank you!
13 years ago
Hi, I would like to have the logo in brown and orange as in #139 and 145. that means one brown and orange like in 139 and one brown and orange as in 145. the orange from 139 is nice. the brown can be a a little more dark, just a little bit.
Can you make the human logo more thin, it look a little bit too fat.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your answer. I made the human more thin and the brown a little mire dark. #185 and #187 are the color versions you requested, and then I turned the colors around in #186 and #188.

In #189 and #190 I tried it with the human and butterfly in the same color, and then in #191 and #192 I tried it with the text all in the same color.

If you would like to see anything else, just let me know. Thanks!
13 years ago
oh my goodness its all so nice, I like the writing of #194 and #74!
CAn you please do it for yours #189, 190, thanks
13 years ago
Hi, I hope you are still online, the thing is I Like your butterfly idea a lot but I want it with the same writing from Rank 1 and in the same colors. Is it still posible?
13 years ago
and I also like the writing of #194...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, sorry, I was away from the computer for a while. I now have time to do this. I don't think I have those exact types of writing, but I will try to find something similar.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are two suggestions. I can try more types of writing if you want. Do you like the writing because it is round or because it is thin?
13 years ago
I like it because it is clear to read and somehow unique! I really want to thank you so much for your effort!!! Are you really from Germany or just living here?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
You're welcome! Yes, I'm really from Germany, have been living here all my life.
13 years ago
Schön, dann kann ich ja deutsch schreiben ;-)
hilft es dir ein wenig wenn ich dich 3x unter die top 10 setze?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, that does help, but only if you really feel my designs deserve it :-) (I'm replying in English because designers are not allowed to make private arrangements with clients while the contests are still running, and when the contest ends people have to be able to check what we wrote here.)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Just to clarify: I didn't mean that what you wrote was a private arrangement. I meant that if I write in German, people may think I tried to offer you a private arrangement (like free graphic design work if I win or something like that).
13 years ago
1. hello readers, we dont have private arrangements ;-)
2. I do like the idea of the butterfly more than other design logos, so I will put it on the top ten, thats it
13 years ago
time is running out, last questions, is it possible to have my logo with your butterfly and the writing and the colors of #223 so far rank 1???
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm not sure, I've never had that situation, but I will ask in the forum.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I've asked in the forum and it's possible to split the prize money, but I'm not sure about the details yet. I have contacted LogoTournament and I will let you know as soon as I hear back from them, or maybe they will contact you directly.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again, I've now heard back from LogoTournament and we can split the prize money, which is usually done 50/50, and I would be OK with that. Am I right that you want the person and the butterfly from me (#239), and only the writing (not the person) from the other designer (#223)?
13 years ago
Hello, thats right the person and the butterfly from you and the writing with this colors from #223.

The colors of writing I also want for the person and the butterfly because its nice strong colors.

Thanks so much for your effort!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, thanks! I am currently waiting for a reply from LogoTournament about what we have to do now exactly. I think I will write to the other designer in the meantime and start to discuss things.

I will let you know as soon as I know more, at the latest tonight.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I have got the answer now from LogoTournament and we should just arrange it between ourselves. So I have contacted the other designer now and asked if they want to do it. If they say yes, I will send them my symbol and they can then upload that with their text and in their colors. And they will send me half of the prize money when they get it.

I will write again when the designer replies to me.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
The designer has now replied to me and said yes, but wants confirmation from you that this is what you want and from LogoTournament that they are OK with this.

Can you please confirm to the designer that this is what you want? Thanks!

I will then send the symbol as soon as the designer has confirmation from LogoTournament and I'd say maybe by tomorrow night you will see the combination of the 2 logos on the contest page.
13 years ago
Hi, I send message to the other designer. I hope it will work out. I need to see this combination of the both of you and then I will do my final decision.
Thanks a lot.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, thanks! I've now sent the symbol to the other designer, so you will probably see the combination soon. If you have any more questions, just let me know.
13 years ago
Hi, I just want to say thanks for all your help, that I got the perfect logo design! All the best for you!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
You're welcome, thank you and all the best for you too!
13 years ago
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