With regard to Entry #3, please read the brief. It provides lots of detail with regard to the desired design. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks!
Thank you for the revision! This is much more in line with what we were originally thinking! Here are some thoughts:
With regard to Entry #14, color choice for "Fat Doxie" is a bit jarring. Let's warm it up a bit, but not orange. Overall, the dog is not plump, but rather muscular. he needs to be plump -- although we love what you've done with his butt! Also, the face is very expressive, but we need to him to be a bit more smug and less "crazy." He's got to be "cool" not silly or spacey.
Thanks again! If you have any questions, let me know.
#28 & #31 -- look like the doggie is dead and not relaxing! Was that your intent? :( Either that, or he is really really drunk. In any event, the logo is FUN, but not an image that we want to portray.
#29 & #30 -- are better! Here are some comments:
The way the "T" disappears behind the dog is distracting. The lettering for "Doxie" needs to be thicker and sturdier. Right now, it's a bit thin. Also, we need a bolder choice of colors.