It's a really cool approach - it's just that it's too retro for this business - because this industry is so traditional and has not really moved with the times, anything retro actually feels like what is out there a bit (even though i know most logos are way more traditional with foxes etc than this approach), but i want to look more modern to stand apart from the rest. Hope this helps.
Fabulous - i really like it. i like that it looks like a tag in a shirt (riding shirts are actually the first thing i'm developing - sort of the heart of the line). Would you also try some other colour combos. And i see that the c is horseshoe shaped but i'm not sure it would hit people enough - is there a way to dial it up just a touch.
Thank you! This is good as it is really challenging me to decide what i want this brand to be. I lean towards 22, it is more sophisticated, but am afraid it might be too feminine - but need to think more about that as it will mostly be women buying. I also like 18 because it is more playful in the colours. I don't lean towards 19-21 as i'm not fond of the colours and/or it doesn't feel sophisticated enough.
Would you mind trying a few more colour versions perhaps slightly more masculine - i really love navy blue, ice blue, chartreuse - i don't really like yellow, most earth or darker greens, red. I love the colour on the top half of your firs logo #6. Would you mind trying more with that on top?
I had a thought about the horse shoe, i hope you don't mind a suggestion - what do you think it would look like if the stitching you have on the boarder was also used to go right around the middle of the C, instead of the "nail hole" that are shown. Wonder if it will look enough like a horse shoe?
In the end i may end up using a few colour versions of the logo to represent different parts of the product line.
Really look forward to more - thank you so much. j
Also, i should say another thing I love about your first logo #6 is the top half is dominant over the bottom half. It's so tough with this logo because it is gorgeous, it's just not the brand character i wanted to portray - just slight too serious, too saville row! Thanks for all your efforts, keep up the good work.
hello again. it's close, just a few more last ones if you don't mind :) okay - let's start with #45. Can you find a way to incorporate orange into it (same orange as in #18)? Thoughts... just the "C" in cheval, just "fashions" - oh! maybe just the stitching around the outside (some of the shirts i'm developing are going to have coloured topstitching).
As far as the C goes, could you try just having the stitching inside the white part of the C, instead of those 3 "openings" at the bottom of the c it would be a line of stitches and then same on the top arm of the C.
Thank you so much! Very exciting. Could you try #79 but make the marks in the C exactly like the stitching around the boarder - so it takes up the same amount of space that the marks there do but it's a solid line of the little stitches. so that's the first one. Then that logo plus the stitching around the boarder in another colour - say purple. Want to have 3 colours in the logo if you have any other ideas. Would you try those? thx a lot
Thank you so much. Big picture is I love your logo but there isn't enough prominent colours in it for me. When you pull back and look at it, it still looks just blue and orange. The coloured stitching around the outside, although i love it, isn't noticeable. We need at least a 3rd prominent colour (even #109 doesn't do it for me cus it's still really blue and orange). The warhol one really hits the mark on getting several colours across it's just that those aren't the kinds of colours i want for this brand (even though they are indeed very warhol-y). I'm pretty positive i want the navy on top and the orange on bottom plus a 3rd colour. Or the navy on top, light blue on the bottom plus orange as a 3rd prominent colour. Really looking to you for help. I don't want to lose the integrity of the logo and what we loved from the very begining, but colour is such a huge part of this brand that i feel we need that 3rd colour to have more presence to really get the brand image across. do you have any thoughts? jen
Okay! I like them. I love #115, would you also try #115 with a purple bar instead of the yellow/greeny colour - maybe try a few dif colours of purple, the one from #117 and darker.
And #117 i think you're on to something. Could you do that one with a darker purple and could you try leaving the stitched boarder on the blue and orange part of the logo - the outside trim part. So as if you're taking the whole of logo #104 and then putting it on the purple background. does that make sense?
fab - last thing for #120 can you just adjust the stitching inside the C to just be where the nail holes would be, so just a top line of stitches and a bottom line. so it looks more like a horse shoe. thx you so much, gotta run, will be back in touch. jen
Hi there. hope you had a fun weekend. My 9 year old daughter (and also a rider) just came back from a week away - and weighed in on which logos she likes. And she likes yours! Would you mind just doing a colour variation of #151 for us? Could you make the orange the same as the orange in #115, and then bring the purple up a bit, it's a little too dark, i don't want to go as light as the purple in #139 though - is there something in between? And then that logo with a few different colours for the middle stripe - we'll end up using a few different variants.
Well I have to say she has good taste! - here are the variations you asked for. One thing with the orange - its the exact same orange, but probably looks different as its next to a different colour :).
oops. The logo i had asked for variation on is #151 - it's got a dark purple on top, navy stripe in the middle and orange on the bottom. So it was the top purple that i wanted to bring up a touch (i actually love that royal purple, it's just that it isn't reading purple from further away). The purple from #169 looks like it might be a good one. Then the orange, i had a feeling it was the same, is there anyway you can adjust it to look like the other orange - there looks like there is too much red in it.
Then once you've done that version (purple/navy/orange), can I get versions with different stripe colours (purple/different colours/orange). Stick to the clean, cool colour pallette like the stripes in #137, #115, and the raspberry in the top half of #22 - anything in that area that makes it look funky.
let me know if you need clarification before designing. thx jen