Notes for #1: We don't like the light green shape in the background, it just doesn't match our style preference (too sharp, too futuristic). We would like to see incorporation of a symbol of some kind (like the leaf you used in #2) so that we can incorporate just that symbol into our branding materials (i.e., bullet points in our product descriptions could be that leaf rather than a circular bullet, etc.). As mentioned in our updated profile, we do not like the outline of Lexington as much as we thought we would... that's our mistake, sorry. We aren't big on the font, we might prefer something with serifs but I think all capitals does look good (as our company name, when capitalized properly, does look a bit weird). We think the color scheme is okay, but one more color to make it more interesting may be good.
Notes for #2: See notes for #1 relating to using the map of Lexington, the font, and the color scheme. We do like the idea of the leaf symbol where it is, do you have any other options to choose from (other leafs, other vegetables, etc.) that you think look good? We like the way the faded colors look but are concerned that they will be hard to print so we would prefer not to have color washes, fades etc. Maybe use an outline of the state of Kentucky instead of Lexington. the outline of the whole state is much more recognizable. We are also no opposed to having a shape extend beyond the edge of the outer circle to provide a more interesting logo profile.
Hey we really like the design and would love it if you could address the comments above. We really need to be working with responsive designers right now, so we will have to take the design out of the top five soon if we don't receive any response.