Hi Justin, I'm participating with some kind of problems here, the moderator asked me to delete my previous approach and I would like to know if the PUCK or a FLYING PUCK is quite important in your logo, obviously a puck is part of your roots as a canadian but apparently is not allowed to use it, don't really know if it's because the moderator is the one who is winning this contest or what. Second and last question, could you please give me some direction about how to improve my entries or just let me know if you want me to do something else. Thanks a lot!!!!
sorry, Justin so confused doing many thing at works and doing this at the same time. I didn't see your previous message. I'm going to start working on that right away!!!
About my previous message, please disregard it, I already had a little chat with the moderator!!, everything is cool!!!
#99 is really cool. can you make it so that there are two helmets (both exactly the same) colliding. almost like a feud???
dont msg the moderator. she is the one currently winning the contest so she wont want to help you.
take the rink and turn it horizontal instead of vertical. then put fantasy feud across the bottom. and have the two helmets colliding at centre ice. we will update again once i see that.
Thanks for the feedback, I wasn´t sure if you want to keep the baseball-basketball texture on the helmet. On my next version I´m going to try separating the two balls, one for each helmet. Thanks!
awesome. Take #109 and change the helmet on the right to be the same as the helmet on the left but make basketball the side profile and baseball on the top. looks really cool.
I love it. can you show me a couple of different color options for the Fantasy feud part. also if you can get the Fantasy Feud to pop more. the logo is very busy and i dont want the name to get lost