Has potential, especially if the overall height of the dialog box / typography can be reduced.
Don't think we'll want to incorporate the ubiquitous twitter birds (though it's possible). Maybe you can find a way to just incorporate the bird beaks and/or wings?
See your variations on the .com placement. It's a nice to have, not an absolute if the overall design is compelling enough and just doesn't work with the .com.
Hope you'll stick with it. Thanks for participating.
The Dialog box as a stand-alone. Again...colors can change. Each new left dialog box —TV, MOVIES...etc.—could be in their own unique color. This logo can eisily be converted to print flat in 1 or two colors as well.
Yes, the height/width of the boxes can be changed if necessary with each application. The were designed to be recognizable even with slight variations in size. Thanks for the input!
The original dialog boxes with the addition of simplified chicks....in the simple shape of a wing. The more purple-toned blue is complimentary to the yellow in the chicks.
You've made the chick very elegant. Very tasteful and appealing. We were not originally thinking about incorporating the "twittery" species in the logo, so though the design is very visual appealing, will take some time to get our minds around that possibility. Need it sink in. Thanks for offering it to us for consideration.
Assorted comments: Like the darker blue/purple of #23 and brighter orange of #19 (though the combo is reminiscent of old FedEx logo). Don't like the e's facing one another; or the eyes. The N and P sharing a common border makes the logo less flexible (in terms of substituting different words for FAN), but please keep #23 and #15 (dot under p is interesting) active. #16-#19 don't need to be active (thanks for offering the variations).
Thanks for the input! It makes our job much more fun. Option: The Web 2.0 chicks can also be removed from the Wordmark and utilized on their own if you prefer...in different applications...and in various positions. They can be a sort of "mascot" to be used if and when applicable.
One thing I'm just realizing is that there is a possibility if the FAN and peeps are too separated, might create impression the URL is peeps.com alone. Making FAN and .com the same color probably goes a long way to mitigate that possibility though.
#25 without a peep is too plain (though I take your earlier point about the ability to use the peep situationaly).
#71 The fans (or peeps/people) using the company's services are sports and pop culture fans. Maybe incorporating abstract human faces in the logotype is the way to capture that. And/or using multiple colors. There's an interesting new submission that has started to use colors and letter orientation to add some sense of fun, people, and chatter.
#75 the peeps font is too thin, which may be one reason I suspect you outlined the whole logotype in #76 and #77. The outline may be a good thing, but can you show a more more substantial (thicker) peeps without outlining the whole logotype to compare to the current?
Why tilt the faces down? Did you play with the fact the faces in the p's look like e's? Can that be exploited some how or is it possibly an inconvenient coincidence that creates more confusion that possible clever integration. I'm think if there is some brainstorm about integrating the p's, e's, and faces in some unique way, could be a very distinctive logo. I don't have any ideas about how to do so, just seems like it may (lower case may) be possible to do so.
While I'm open to mixed cases (FAN uppercase, peeps lowercase), I can't use one where the the lowercase word is raised (bottom justified so to speak) (though I have ranked highly two of your interim designs that do that).
BTW: Someone left a complimentary comment about your #70 on the main contest page. (unfortunately that one doesn't work for me)
#84/#77 If pick this/these, I will need refinement that creates a little more space between the N and P (~3-4 pts) and will need to know (and/or access) the font so as to have the ability to replace FAN with a few other 3-5 letter nicknames in the future.