My daughter likes this one the best. I like it, too. Can you make the lettering all white? And, can you put a line to the left of constructing the ultimate blueprint?
Sorry for the confusion. I need you to spell the words out completely. I just don’t want the first letter of each word to be blue. I want the entire word, the entire name of my company, in the same font.
If you want to use a gradient across the font, that might look good. I just don’t want the first initial to be blue and the rest of the word to be white.
Dear customer,
I made changes as you requested "FWB", and I added also another proposal with long name.
As you can see I adjusted sheet of blueprint, now the bend is more realistic.
Dear customer,
I made changes as you requested "FWB", and I added also another proposal with long name.
As you can see I adjusted sheet of blueprint, now the bend is more realistic.
Dear customer,
same proposal also in white, I saw that a logo with lines, don't is same on white background and maybe you need also it. So I proposed both, to show that logo as good also on dark background as on white.
Dear Customer
if you want I can withdraw my proposal at 1st place, but can you answer me if a proposal more abstract but with same concept is great for you :)
Dear Customer
please to be consider also this proposal, is more abstract but with same concept.
Unfortunately another designer have open a court, for him my proposal is same of his.
I also wrote to staff to understand better the rules, however to not create problems this is my solution, if you want I can adjust it to perform better.
Dear Customer
please to be consider also this proposal, is more abstract but with same concept.
Unfortunately another designer have open a court, for him my proposal is same of his.
I also wrote to staff to understand better the rules, however to not create problems this is my solution, if you want I can adjust it to perform better.
Comment Activity
to give you another point of view, tis logo have text and subline all in white, and I reduced a little bit the lines.
As you prefer, I remain at your full disposal for any requests.
Or more, as 3 lines on both sides.
Or this solution with double lines on both sides.
Or this solution with 2 line on both sides.
maybe this solution without line.
line near subline is similar to other proposal of other designer.
I risk a withdraw, I can find another solution if you prefer.
————— Constructing The Ultimate
this is an example of what I meant, logo is more little and text is more tall and compacted.
The text stand out better and logo appear more elegant.
Alejandro - Voregon
have you a specific request about to display the logo?
Maybe you prefer a logo more small than text or otherwise.
I'm open to all tips!
Alejandro - Voregon
sorry for misunderstanding, I have uploaded some logos with white text and blue gradient text.
Alejandro - Voregon
sorry for misunderstanding, I have uploaded some logos with white text and blue gradient text.
Alejandro - Voregon
sorry for misunderstanding, I have uploaded some logos with white text and blue gradient text.
Alejandro - Voregon
sorry for misunderstanding, I have uploaded some logos with white text and blue gradient text.
Alejandro - Voregon
sorry for misunderstanding, I have uploaded some logos with white text and blue gradient text.
Alejandro - Voregon
If you want to use a gradient across the font, that might look good. I just don’t want the first initial to be blue and the rest of the word to be white.
Thanks for all your help.
I played with fonts, if I can tell my opinion, I prefer this one because it is compacted and it wedding well with logo shapes.
However is only my opinion.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I played with fonts, if I can tell my opinion, I prefer this one because it is compacted and it wedding well with logo shapes.
However is only my opinion.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I made also these solutions with different font.
Thanks a lot for your tips, I remain at your full disposal.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I made also these solutions with different font.
Thanks a lot for your tips, I remain at your full disposal.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I made changes as you requested "FWB", and I added also another proposal with long name.
As you can see I adjusted sheet of blueprint, now the bend is more realistic.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I made changes as you requested "FWB", and I added also another proposal with long name.
As you can see I adjusted sheet of blueprint, now the bend is more realistic.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
same proposal also in white, I saw that a logo with lines, don't is same on white background and maybe you need also it. So I proposed both, to show that logo as good also on dark background as on white.
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
here I deleted some lines inside the blueprint, so logo is more light and changed the increasing lines colors in white.
As ever, all is editable on your wishes!
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I'm glad to propose these logos, I added a blueprint as you requested and played with layers.
I also proposed a solution on white background.
All is editable on your wishes!
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I'm glad to propose these logos, I added a blueprint as you requested and played with layers.
I also proposed a solution on white background.
All is editable on your wishes!
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I'm glad to propose these logos, I added a blueprint as you requested and played with layers.
I also proposed a solution on white background.
All is editable on your wishes!
Best regards
Alejandro - voregon
I did it, I don't applied full reticulate, it suffocateing a lot the image, so I created a part of it that following the riseing line.
My opinion is that now there is more moovement and is clean.
What you think?
Alejandro - Voregon
I tried on the figures, but result is veri bad.
Alejandro - Voregon
Like this?
Alejandro - Voregon
what you think about this?
I added measure lines tipical of a blueprint.
Alejandro - Voregon
I can't add the reticulate, or is too similar to other logo of other designer and I risk to withdraw it.
I will surely find a solution.
Alejandro - Voregon
this solution express idea of grow and look to future.
Alejandro - Voregon
I changed solution and I will provide something with family.
Alejandro - Voregon
then is impossible I must withdraw my 1st proposal, unfortunately the designer "Gilang Ardhani" make me pressure to withdraw.
He said that figures is his idea and no one can make same thing.
I'm new and I don't want have problems.
Alejandro - Voregon
this is solution to my logo at 1st position.
It is simpler, clean and more modern than a silhouette.
What you think?
Alejandro - Voregon
same proposal of family that point on future, but without silhouette, I had to withdraw a proposal.
If you need more detail I can do it!
Alejandro - Voregon
I think that I must withdraw these logos, as I said another designer as launch a Logo Court.
Can you evaluate possibility to take in consideration the abtract logo with person that point in high?
Alejandro - Voregon
if you want I can withdraw my proposal at 1st place, but can you answer me if a proposal more abstract but with same concept is great for you :)
I really thank you!
Alejandro - Voregon
please to be consider also this proposal, is more abstract but with same concept.
Unfortunately another designer have open a court, for him my proposal is same of his.
I also wrote to staff to understand better the rules, however to not create problems this is my solution, if you want I can adjust it to perform better.
Alejandro - Voregon
please to be consider also this proposal, is more abstract but with same concept.
Unfortunately another designer have open a court, for him my proposal is same of his.
I also wrote to staff to understand better the rules, however to not create problems this is my solution, if you want I can adjust it to perform better.
Alejandro - Voregon
this is an horizontal proposal, easy to apply on web stretched support.
Alejandro - Voregon
In this proposal I have played with colors of text.
Alejandro - Voregon
I made a logo where is a kid in arms of dad that point on top and all family look to the future.
I hope that this solution enjoy you and satisfy your needs.
All is editable on your wishes, shapes, fonts and colors.
Awaiting your evaluation I wish you a wonderful day!
Alejandro - Voregon
I made a logo where is a kid in arms of dad that point on top and all family look to the future.
I hope that this solution enjoy you and satisfy your needs.
All is editable on your wishes, shapes, fonts and colors.
Awaiting your evaluation I wish you a wonderful day!
Alejandro - Voregon
Alejandro - Voregon
I was uploading the proposals, but discarding this logo, you pushed me out of the competition and I can not upload anything anymore.