So we like the dark trees color from #262 but prefer the style of the trees here on #261. Can we get that into a combination?
Also, "FALLS CREEK" feels very large with the space in the center. We understand its the creek which we are happy with. Maybe making the words closer or change the size of retreat center will condense the logo a bit more? It feels a bit long.
Again, thank you! We could be wrong, but we'd like to see the different.
We don’t like the slashes as “hills.” The font and words below we like so far, but there needs to be a different landscape on top. Completely different.
We don’t like the slashes as “hills.” The font and words below we like so far, but there needs to be a different landscape on top. Completely different.
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Also, "FALLS CREEK" feels very large with the space in the center. We understand its the creek which we are happy with. Maybe making the words closer or change the size of retreat center will condense the logo a bit more? It feels a bit long.
Again, thank you! We could be wrong, but we'd like to see the different.