Yes I think that is better. You may need to play with the font and cross a little to make them the same "boldness." Also a more stylized cross that matches the serifs might look better.
I have the same comments as on #58, but I think that I like the cross being the same color better. Can you do this one with a cross in between the two?
I’m really liking the little arrows distinguishing the color bars. It might be better on the right side of the letter H between the word. We will need to work in the iconography.
Can you make the T into a cross and find a way to symbolize capital in action (e.g. growth) with a letter in the word Works?
Thanks again. I like how that stacked bar symbolizes growth and still remains simple and clean. The words Faith and Works look more distinct. How can we include iconography symbolizing faith?
Thank you for your submission. This is very clean and simple, but too simple for our preferences. We want clean, iconic imagery that speaks to faith and capital in action.
Comment Activity
1.) Using a serif font
2.) Using small caps
I like it bolder, and I like the taller cross. I think now that the cross may be too tall. Can we go in the middle on those two?
Also, can we try out some differnt font options. I'm just not sure I like that font.
I’m really liking the little arrows distinguishing the color bars. It might be better on the right side of the letter H between the word. We will need to work in the iconography.
Can you make the T into a cross and find a way to symbolize capital in action (e.g. growth) with a letter in the word Works?
Also I like the initials. That concept is worth exploring.
The increasing bar graph symbolism is too explicit. I would like it to be more subtle.
I’m not sure why, but I like something about the curved line. I can’t say what it symbolizes, but it looks nice.
I really like how the lines increasing in height symbolize growth.
Can this be made a bit more colorful with two or three shades?
I wonder if it would look better stylized as FaithWorks using either small caps or small letters.