We like the following symbols: Music symbol, Feather (literature)
For film, can you make it a movie reel? For History, instead of the scroll, can you make it a detail of the top of a column? For art, can you make it a paintbrush with painter's palette.
Rather than arranging them in the form of a cross, we want to have the cross as a central point of reference, and the items revolving around them, or flanking the cross on both sides.
We like your symbols very much. Is it possible to take these symbols and work them into a circular logo–a concept that works similar in style to the Google Chrome browser logo. The 5 symbols would be placed inside the green, yellow and red (plus two more colors) and that would revolve around the cross (in blue). In the end, the logo would be round.
For entry #25, a recent decision has been made to incorporate the words "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church" to show this program belongs to this Church.