For entry #25, a recent decision has been made to incorporate the words "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church" to show this program belongs to this Church. Please remove the names of each subject. We would rather see the icons represent this.
Is it possible to make the Cross more prominent in the design? A thought was to move it from being in the middle, to enlarging it so the four bars of the cross extend on the top, left, right and below. This would make the ring sit above the Cross leaving a white hole. The words may need to be moved, or removed. Can you style the Cross similar in nature to this example: <>
Finally, can you make Film to be a round "Movie Reel"?
A. Sorry if my earlier comment was confusing, but please keep "Faith & Culture"... but include "Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church."
B. Instead of the musical note, make it a G-Clef.
C. We're abandoning the "large cross" idea that I had you modify. Not looking right. Take #39 color wheel with symbols and place it on #25, taking into account the language referred to in "A".
Thank you Carla... things are looking very good and we appreciate your timely response to our edits.
A. In #56, can we see the white lines removed between the symbols.
B. In #56 & #57, can you provide examples on how they would look as Monochrome using shades of blue, in both the logo and words? Shades of blue gradient in #57 and different blue swatches in #56.
Also, can we see "Faith & Culture" using a SmallCaps of that font. So the "F" and "C" are slightly bigger. Can the "&" be slightly smaller and the opacity changed to around 60%.