Please latest we choose the circle design for that kind of logo. So we choose that. We need some corrections.
1. PROSTEJOV, CZECH REPUBLIC 2024 (in orange)
2. there is no coma between CZECH and REPUBLIC
3. canopies in BLACK
1. text same size but try perspective too.
2. skydivers in perspective (lowest biggest and highest smallest.
3 the points between FAI and PROSTEJOV and 2024 and CHAMPIONSHIPS black
Hello again,
Sure, please review #103 and #104 for the same colored/sized text. Please refer to #105 for the same colored canopies.
And please review #106 and #107 in reference to suggestion no.4. Your draft looks great and clear :) I hope I got what you meant correctly though. I made the lines look like a stamp and the text follow the angle of the flag
Thank you!
Many thanks. It looks more OK.. Now please safe this design and try by side something. We will need the logo as well in one color and gray scale which brings me to the idea to make it not so colorfull at all. So please try
1. make the same size of all text around the circle: World skydiving etc...
2. try to make all text same color
3. try to make all canopies the same color.
4. most dificult can you try to leave the round shape but not to show the circle so realistically? Probably leave out the lines like on a stamp. Something like it was on #76 but different. Before I send the logo tournament I did a draft for myself I send you now. (I'm not grafician so do not laugh :-) just for reference
Hi again,
Please review #100 as well as #101 and #102 with slightly different figures. Still feel free to make suggestions if there's still a chance.
Thank you!
This we like the most. There is a little much white space on the left site from the canopies. And there is missing the year of the competition which is 2024. We are wtill not sure about the colors of the canopies. Please try to play with it a bit. Thanks
OK, this one. Now please make the inner circle - this one thin and add outer circle this thicknes. And please mirror the skydivers horizontaly. This way they are in our original company logo.
Thank you, the circle is now too visible. May be just contour between the "FAI WORLD SKYDIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS and the PROSTEJOV, CZECH REPUBLIC and the text FAI WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS in ORANGE. And the matrace exactely as in #27.
This was not what we thought. We definitely like the czech flag as the target in elypse shape as it is here and the skydivers above. That is solit base of the logo. But can you try to put the text aroun the elipse so the logo is more compact and not so long?
Comment Activity
1. PROSTEJOV, CZECH REPUBLIC 2024 (in orange)
2. there is no coma between CZECH and REPUBLIC
3. canopies in BLACK
2. skydivers in perspective (lowest biggest and highest smallest.
3 the points between FAI and PROSTEJOV and 2024 and CHAMPIONSHIPS black
Sure, please review #103 and #104 for the same colored/sized text. Please refer to #105 for the same colored canopies.
And please review #106 and #107 in reference to suggestion no.4. Your draft looks great and clear :) I hope I got what you meant correctly though. I made the lines look like a stamp and the text follow the angle of the flag
Thank you!
1. make the same size of all text around the circle: World skydiving etc...
2. try to make all text same color
3. try to make all canopies the same color.
4. most dificult can you try to leave the round shape but not to show the circle so realistically? Probably leave out the lines like on a stamp. Something like it was on #76 but different. Before I send the logo tournament I did a draft for myself I send you now. (I'm not grafician so do not laugh :-) just for reference
Please review #100 as well as #101 and #102 with slightly different figures. Still feel free to make suggestions if there's still a chance.
Thank you!
Sure, please review #94 #95 and #96, if there's a chance.
Thank you!
Sure, please review #90 and #91.
Still feel free to make suggestions too.
Thank you!
I hope you meant like #77 (and/or #76).
Please review.
Thank you!
Please review #60 and #61 if they're in the right direction.
Thank you!