Please try this with the original colors as in #117 and one more design like this but canopies like czech flag like here and the bodies in gray
1. lowest skydiver black and other the orange.
2. the middle of the target orange not red
3. perspective on the skydivers - the lower largest the upper smalest
4. circled text just orange/black or black only, lighter font, same size - the smaller one as PROSTEJOV is.
Can you please try
1. the lowest skydiver black and the rest the orange
3. the two middle smaller and highest skydiver even smaller (perspective)
4. other font sans-serif typeface. like Avenir but not bolt but light. (try different fonts, capitals, etc. so the globe is first plan)
Can you please try
1. the globe in orange color?
2. the lowest skydiver black and the rest the orange
3. tha highest skydiver smaller (perspective)
4. other font sans-serif typeface. like Avenir and not bolt but light or ultralight.
5. remove outer circle
I like it. Please may try it less expressive for an attempt.
We will need the logo as well in one color and gray scale. please try
1. make the same size of all text around the circle: World skydiving etc...Prostejov etc...
2. try to make all text same color
3. try to make all canopies the same color.
4. most dificult can you try to leave the round shape but not to show the circle so realistically? Probably leave out the lines like on a stamp. Before I send the logo tournament I did a draft for myself I send you now. (I'm not grafician so do not laugh :-) just for reference
We like this at the best. The good idea is that the target stays at the globe pole but is on the foot of the skydiver too. That is very nice you rotated the globe :-). Now please remove the black outer contour. And for one variant leave the rest as is. And for the other variant make the blue contour and the globe orange color that it is our company color.
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Thank you.
This is the grayscale version of entry #141
Thank you.
2. the middle of the target orange not red
3. perspective on the skydivers - the lower largest the upper smalest
4. circled text just orange/black or black only, lighter font, same size - the smaller one as PROSTEJOV is.
1. the lowest skydiver black and the rest the orange
3. the two middle smaller and highest skydiver even smaller (perspective)
4. other font sans-serif typeface. like Avenir but not bolt but light. (try different fonts, capitals, etc. so the globe is first plan)
1. the globe in orange color?
2. the lowest skydiver black and the rest the orange
3. tha highest skydiver smaller (perspective)
4. other font sans-serif typeface. like Avenir and not bolt but light or ultralight.
5. remove outer circle
We will need the logo as well in one color and gray scale. please try
1. make the same size of all text around the circle: World skydiving etc...Prostejov etc...
2. try to make all text same color
3. try to make all canopies the same color.
4. most dificult can you try to leave the round shape but not to show the circle so realistically? Probably leave out the lines like on a stamp. Before I send the logo tournament I did a draft for myself I send you now. (I'm not grafician so do not laugh :-) just for reference
Kind regards.
- thinner meridian lines
- lighter shade of orange
- outer circle and the stars also in orange
- the outer circle thicker
- the inner circle of the landing target in yellow
I`ll do and post the requested revisions immediately.
Kind regards.
These are a few variations based on your requests. Please let me know what do you think of them.
If you need any other revisions please feel free to ask. Your feedback is always welcome.
Kind regards.