Hi, here is my entry, it represents high tech browser that contains all informations plus feedback 360 (with outer circle arows), modern and elegant font with "E's" in diferentcolor to convey that you have it all, hope you like it. Awaiting your feedback to do some more..
Hello Mare, thank you for letting me know how to provide private feedback. I like the Horizontal version, can we do something about the font though? Can we have little e's instead of the dots on the circle; this may link the logo to the text smoothly.
"Hello Mare, thank you for letting me know how to provide private feedback. I like the Horizontal version, can we do something about the font though? Can we have little e's instead of the dots on the circle; this may link the logo to the text smoothly"
Great idea, comin up soon.
By the way this page is personal but other can also read our coments. Thx for feedback.
#26 ... I still think the font of explorance should be smaller, more defined, and bolder ... I almost selected this design as rank 1 if not for the font style; also, I wouldn't mind the ball being more defined with darker boundaries. Let me know if you can do something about it and thank you for this great version.
Oh god mare....I'm not understanding Y did u said that.....my comments was for me only.... Your designs are yours and you know better they are remake or not... I already told you dont take my comments otherwise coz i knew this may cause misunderstanding.... If you r thinking the other way plz dont think of that....there are so many designs so similar....y to fight/blame on that....? Already so much fight going on in this world ,lets not make another reason to fight.... Anyways again thanks for the link.... whatever be the reason you are always helping me....
Oh let me tell you...y did i said that..... for the contest price grid my design was compared with at&t logo...which was not atall similar.......but still people think like that....we cant stop people thinkng what they want to think.... cool luv
Of course tuhinadash, im not up to any fight with anybody i have won a contest with swoosh and im not realy proud of it and i dont use them anymore, im glad you are learning from me as i learned wrom others on this site. I didnt think that your comet was for bringing my designs down untill i saw you coment on your page about freeshnes and reworking thats what turned me think otherwise and i have already had issues like this and thats why i reacted like that.
Thank you for the additional submissions; 1. for item #34, can we try with the same font for the e's inside the globe? 2. for item #23, can we preserve the same exact globe and simply put orange e's instead of the dots, with their size being as small as the dots in the globe itself. I really like the shading on this globe and was wondering how it would look like if we make the e's much smaller, yet preserve the shading and colors within the globe
I like the font for item #34, i just wish the e looks like a normal e, and not a capitalized one.
I appreciate your flexibility and I look forward to your upcoming submissions.
I still have a problem with the font; can we try the following please: make the globe smaller for #59; then add in small font "Window on your world" below explorance; and use a font that is smaller, more bolded and italic for the word explorance. I still have a problem with the font ... this is the most unique and recognizable logo, but unless if the font gets adjusted, it will be hard for us to select your design.