Dear designer,
thank you for your entries. We had a look at them and like the direction you are heading. We prefer entry #1 over #2 as we think it comes across clearer. However, we prefer "Experiment e.V." to be in bold letters as in #2. Moreover, we had an internal discussion and decided not to use our German name, "Experiment e.V.", in the Logo but would rather see "The Experiment in International Living". We like the banner with the dates and the big 80 as well. We are not sure about the Anniversary and the "th" and would like to see a design without the two. We like how you included the Loop into the 80 but were wondering whether it is possible to distort the Loop so much that it looks like an eight. We also like to mention that the Loop can be halved or quartered as long as it is still recognizable. And we know that we said we would like to see mostly green and black but indeed would appreciate any suggestion that would work along these colors. Thanks a lot!