Hi. Now I see why you did not originally put the B and H next to each other w/ the E on top. It does look odd. Sorry about that request. I do like the logo 78 the best. Can you modify it so that the words "Experience Beverly Hills" are incorporated w/ in the orange logo? Maybe w/ Experience above and Beverly Hills below the logo, with all of it incapsulated in orange? Maybe w/ gold framing around the logo or around the letters "EBH" make sense? After you submit a couple of those changes, I will pick which of your logos I like the best! I am 99.9% sure I am picking you. Thanks!!!!!
Hi. What we want is the BH next to each other and the E on top in the middle. People refer to Beverly Hills as 'BH' so we don't think it makes sense to have the 'EB' next to each other with the 'H' on top.
Thank you for ranking, I've uploaded new entries. Could you please confirm if these are the modifications you've had in mind and share your thoughts about any further amendments.
Hi. So please make the changes requested yesterday, but also make the "Beverly Hills" font bigger than the "Experience" font. Can you also create a couple of different versions that have the "Experience Beverly Hills" in all gold.
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