Vidi, Thank you for your submissions, very creative use of the path from city to forest! Would it be possible to make the "e" path a little less curvy (similar to the path in Entry #9)? I think with our company name (Executive Environmental) the exagerated curve is a little out of place.
On your Entry #61, I really like how you incorporated our tag line (health & safety simplified)!
Vidi, Thank you for the revisions but they way you had it works much better! What if the tail of the "e" on entry #62 swooped down and across the bottom of Health & Safety Simplified? Grazie, Egan
Vidi, Referencing #62, there is so much I like about this but the "e" in the icon is distracting. Could you re-work the icon? There does not have to be an "e" designed into the icon. We want a transition from buildings which represent unhealthy or dirty to nature which represents clean and healthy.
Referencing Entry #74 can you take the bottom curve of the "e" away? Just run the "path" from the top curve of the "e" and have it end just under the last tree to the right.