Thank you so much for your entries. I really do like them and here is why: #27: I like the facetted icon, giving a hint of the versatility and also luxury with the blending of shades. Great! I wouldn't go with the shape of a heart though although I want to reach them... #26: love it! Icon is clear, yet feminine with shadings. The little white dot makes it even more interesting. I like that it is moving, energy is flowing....
I like that the icons are on the same line as the written text. and that there is a clear distinction between 'Evolving You' and 'Art design' I'm not sure about the different colors of icon and typographies. I thing its great that it is colorful, the 'Evolving You' is a little hars (too dark in comparison). It doesn't need to be grey or less colorful - just more connection between the different elements. I like that 'art design' has a handwritten appearance, a little less to have it more in tune with the icon maybe?
Sorry forgot about the #23. I like the form of the icon, yet I can't reat the words clearly enough. what about colors and shading (facetts?). not too feminine though ;-) I like that the text and the icon are connected by their positioning. Thanks!
wow, now its really getting harder (which means better ;-) So, the connection of the elements is really great in #30 and #31. I like #31 more. Best one! What happens if you have "Art Design" in gold as well? #29 has a very interesting icon as well. Love it, can't say why or what should be changed. Could there be a 3D appearance as well?
Good morning (here in Germany :-) Wow, I like the play with the colors! #46: like the gold in the "Art Design" - what would happen if the "Evolving You" would be in a dark red? #47 and #48: I like the 2 different colors int the icon repeated in the letters. Here is a thought for the further development: in #30 the gold is very clear and very sophisticated. The icon itself gives a lot of possibilities for positive interpretations which is fantastic. I would like to ask you to play with some different colors in it. As my jewellry is of fine silver I don't want to be asked for golden pieces too often ;-) What colors would go with silver? With a silver icon? Yet having the shiny outcome as well? I really hope you have some ideas for it. Would love to see it! Thank you!!
Thank you Lilia, this is sooo interesting. #30 is still my favorite of all of your entries. I love the icon with one collor having a 3-D effect through being a little brighter in the middle. With #65, I think going with red and gold (and having 'white' in the background) is just too much. #66,#67,#68, and #69 are really nice, unfortunately not working with my idea. I'll try to explain: With my company I talk to women who have achieved a lot in their lifes be it more on a personal level (giving birth, lived through a bad or fantastic experience) or in business life. Together with them - on the basis of their ideas- I'll create a piece fo jewellry or a little sculpture so they can touch the intangible. Anchoring their self-awareness, and bringing back in an instance the inner magic, the sparkle of that wonderful moment or reminding them that they could and should be proud! This is what I would like to transmitt in the logo as well. Magic. Yet on a sophisticated and very refined level. The material is precious as is my customer and I. So, with #30 it is going in the right direction. Yet the typography (color) and also maybe the background is not yet in tune with the icon. I really would appreciate any further ideas. I love what you've done in other competitions! Thank you for your efforts!
one more comment on #68 and ff. I see that 'Art Design' as a shading which gives it a nice touch. Also, for all of them, I like the frame. Maybe this could be emphasized a little more? Shades/ Shadows? Mirroreffect. I'm just playing with ideas. Back to #27. I think the diamond-like facet is really nice. The shape of the heart might not work, but the idea is so great. With the grey (or silver as it appears there) having the white in it, it is shining and shimmering. Anything you could adapt from it?
Hi there #30 ist still my favorite. I'm sorry if I haven't made myself clear. I wouldn't ask you to develop new icons. please stay with #30. However, I think there could be something more to it in the combinaction of the icon and the typography. like I said in my previous comments, something with shadows, mirroring etc. Thank you!!!!
Hi Lilia, thank you for your update. I wish I could explain it better to you. Maybe it would be an idea to combine #30 and #93 just vor the font of the 'Evolving you'? Please don'thave the 'e' apart vrom the 'volving'. I need to think of all the Germans who will capture the word as a whole in one instant... The icon of #91 is not as shiny and lively as #30 (which is also bright in the center and not in the lower half). To have the 'art design' on top of 'Evolving You' is an interesting approach. I'm looking foward to any new and fresh ideas you might have. Thank you for all your efforts!
NICE! Thank you for staying with me ;-) What do you think of combining #30 (stay with the gold icon) take the fonts of #94 (only Art Desing in gold as well) and if it is not too much add the mirror-effect of #96 Thank you!!!!!!
hi there, as we are moving to the next round and I had some time to think, would you care to try some things?
Going with #107 what would happen if the background got a little color shading and there would be some 'light' coming from behind the logo? Playing with the font of 'Evolving You' would it be possible to have the approach of 'handwritten' yet the letters themselves more standing up and not too much leaning to the right? Just for some tweaks. Thank you!!!
wonderful! something I would also like to see if in #107 if you change nothing but just the color of the 'art design' changed into gold and / or silver. THANK YOU!
Thank you Lilia, I love your submissions! let me think about the script. I like both #126 and#127, and have to get feedback myself to decide. Likewise with the color of 'Art Design'. Please get the background a little bit brighter overall, having it light grey. I do see patterns outside the icon and I find this confusing. Like it better when there is a clear line. Thank you again.
Wonderful, thank you so much. I think we see the finishing line:-) What I love about #126 adn #127 is that the light comes from the icon. I love the overall brightness of #138, that the script is also standing out very nicely (caught by the light up to the last letter). Could you combine these, move the center of the light to the center of the icon and maybe enlarge the diameter of the 'lightning circle'? I think you have done this in #134, but to me there seem to be 2 shades of grey (sorry ;-).
I think it is the colors of the scripts are great. I would, however, love to see the color of 'art design' from #124 on the light grey background. Just for the final choice. As for the font of 'Evolving You'. Very difficult: So, just regarding the 'Evolving You', I love in #126 the very round form like in the 'E' (more feminine, more personal), the momentum. In #127 I love the dynamical and slightly bigger and not too short (compact) appearance. Also love that the 'g' of Evolving, is pointing/ getting at the 'art design'. However, then the 'You' looks kind of lonely. Do you have any idea on that? I really appreciate your way of realizing my wishes. Thank you!
just an additional thought. When I see #139 and #126 next to each other. the outer circle of #126 is this a shade of the red of the words 'Evolving you'. Could this be used without any greay? Just a question... Thanks!
thank you so much. I love the soft background color approach of #153, the font size as well. Thanky for trying differents sizes. Is there a difference between the icon of #153 and #143? On my computer #143 looks a little brighter, but it could be just my screen. If it is the case, like the icon of #143 better, its shimmers.... Is the background color of #153 the same as in #149 but without gradient? Is there a way of having pure white just in the middle of the icon and then taking on intensity of color like in #149 the more it goes to the outside with the color of #153? Would be great see that!!
I am still undecided of the font color of 'art design'. This is something for the last decision, I guess. Thank you so much!
HI, I really do like #154 and also #153. For my business cards/ website I'd like to use some shading but also about plain and white background when I use it for ads in the magazines. I love the background color of #153. did you use it for #154 as well? If not, please do so.
For the font size, I like it better when it is enlarged as you did for #153, however, for people standing not as close, they can hardly read it. Anything to 'uplift' the letters? A combination to have the round 'e' from #153 and the more "open" letters of #138? On the other hand, the size of 'art design' in #153 is better than of #138. Could you have a freash look at it one more time?
For the font type of 'Art Design'. Do you use RECTAS? If not, please do so. I already work with this font in different combinations (see my website and it would be great to have a combining feature.
HELLO. so it is best you to have the logo in white backgroun, also i solid color one and transparate so it is easier for print etc. of course for web etc. you can use and the gradients. you will receive all this variation once you choose a winner and tehy upload the basic files here (the other color variation will be send via e-mail we can upload here only high res jpg and eps files of winning logo). It is written n your ligal contract (also you receive other file formats of the logo you need, black and white version etc.) so no need to worry about that. i will upload now the revisions. Thanks: Liliya
Hi, fantastic job! Great news about the different backgrounds! Just a few comments: going with #159. I love the combination in 'evolving'. Can you make the letter 'l' a little smaller than the 'E' and the 'Y'? Then make 'evolving you' just a little bit smaller as a whole (5%) so you can move it slightly to the left near the icon and have a slightly bigger distance between 'Evolving you' and 'art design'. I like the reflection of#159, can you have 'Art design' on the same line again? Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I think it is fabulous! Could you place the words 'evolving you' in #160 like you did in #154? and also have the same shade of grey of 'art design' in #160 like you did in #154? Thank you!!!