Hi, thank you very much for the entries. Very, very interesting! I like #81 and #84 the most and they take up nicely what I'm looking for. I'm also looking for a kind of luxury (not overly expensive but sophisticated) approach. In #84 I like the bird in front of the letters, would be nice to have the icon/sign in #81 a lillte more connected with the letters as well. I love the 3-D effect of #85. and the kind of shining in the red. The metallic effect. I work with silver, so this is something to kee in mind! Wow, difficult choice! Thank you!!
Hi, thank you for your reply. would it possibe if the icon in #81 could be more round? Would there be somthing to hint at jewellry or sculptures. Doesn't have to be too obvious. Thank you!
Thank you very much!! I really like it #108!. Is there any way to have the icon with the two lines of fonts more in a whole. This is what I like about #84, the bird somehow connects all of it and it appears as being of one piece-
I think, #110 is really nice! Would you have an idea to make it more shiny, positive? maybe have the light center of the entire piece more into the icon? Although I like the color combination, I feel they are not as lively and playful. But honestly, I dont have a specific idea. Thank you!
Thank you for your great and divers entries. Although I decided on a different winner, I think you are great and very talented. I hope I can turn to you again if I have a new request. All the best for you from Germany, Gisela