I don't know if you would want to see it or not, but in looking at these again today, I was thinking that if i moved that lighter colored head shape in 132 behind the gridded head shape in 139, the upper grid might show better. Plus, I was thinking that a fingerprint shape could be incorporated as a fade centered behind the lines biometrics and the slogan. (I was trying to think of a way to include one in the logo without making it be either too small or big--i think this works) I went ahead and produced it. If you want to see it, you would have to move one of my entries to first long enough for me to upload it. You could then rerank. If you do decide you would like to see it (i know you very well may have pretty much made up your mind at this point, so this could very well be all moot.) , please message me so that i don't miss the opportunity. One way or another thanks for the ranking and the chance to participate in your contest.