Everglades InvestmentsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Everglades Investments Everglades Investments has selected their winning logo design. For $500 they received 121 designs from 19 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Revotype Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 3rd #121 Withdrawn 6th #104 Withdrawn New #68 Withdrawn New #60 Withdrawn Prefers others. #78 Withdrawn Prefers others. #69 Withdrawn Prefers others. #61 Withdrawn Prefers others. #59 Discussion tygrof Client Hi I wonder what it would look like with the tails out straight and the E and S dropped down to the same elevation as "verglade"? Oh and a correction it is investment not investments. Thanks great work! 12 years ago Revotype Logo Designer Mmm interesting... of course let me try it, sorry for the misspelling on investment, thank you. 12 years ago tygrof Client tails need to be longer :) 12 years ago