#7. maybe different colors. the background of the site is dark gray. it could be light gray or some other dull color/texture in the future. maybe lose the swish. not sure about the slogan just yet...
Thanks so much for the feedback and suggestions. I am guessing you meant #71. I put up one possible. Can you help me out with what colors you might like to see?
Alternate slogan: There are exciting events in your future...
#78 still seems to need a little work on the colors. my website does have a dark gray background and the letters seem to blend in with that too much, making them harder to see.
if you'd like the colors brighter or would like to see particular colors, please let me know. If you would like the figure played with in a certain way, please again let me know. Be as specific as possible, please, so at least I can tell I am heading in the right direction. Thx. C
PS: if you want, i could take the emblem (lotus/guru/ticket part)itself and shrink it a bit if you think its too bold or prominent (but, of course, in order to post it I would have to temporarily be put in first while I did post the variation and you could reposition after.)
PPS: if you do, please let me know, so i don't miss the opportunity. I already have them ready (also a couple that size with alternate greens.) Personally, i sort of like it this that i have just tried better. Anyway....