Hi you are currently ranked 2nd in TWO of my contests. Lina Lean and this Eveliving. I was hoping to see other versions of this entry #44 and #11 with A cool form of Wheat Grass underlining the Company name and perhaps The Tag line white super imposed into the grass.
Could I see the Entry #127 which I have ranked 1st with the following changes:
1-Have the Blue in Living match that of the blue in Entry #66 (it seems to stand out better) 2-In my other contest LINA LEAN which I chose your logo for 2nd place. Could you do the same effect with the Gold. But instead of the raspberry, please put the Wheat Grass you have in this entry in the middle of the Gold smear. I love the Gold smear you did. If you could give me a couple of versions including Gold some how I would appreciate it.
If we do not like the gold we will still choose the logo entry#127 with the color change of the blue for Living.
Thanks. Please post Entry $143 without the gold. We like this the best. The gold didn't do as much for this as it did the raspberry as it made it hard to see the wheat grass.
So please post Entry #143 with no gold. And keeping the colors as they are shown. The Tag line looks better in this as it was earlier in the ranked designs.
Once up I will select it as the winner and wait for Download and approve.