Hi! Here is my initial concept for your consideration. Though I know you aren't sure about the use of a human figure, I was compelled to use it in conjunction with the lettermark I created. I used a lowercase "e" and flipped it to make the "a", then when connecting the two I realized they made a shape that reminded me of the yin yang - which is largely connected with Asian culture (though not all). I then decided to show a human figure embracing the "ea". I would love your feedback on this design. Thanks so much!
Hi! Thanks for your feedback. With the "ea" lettermark, I had been going for just the nuance of a yin yang, though I do see that it might be too subtle. In this version, I've reversed the "ea" out of a circle, and colored each side differently. I think this still hints at a yin yang without actually being one and even makes the "ea" more obvious (especially when tilted as it is in this design). I kept the human figure the same, but altered the tagline to make it stand out more. And I've introduced green into this design along with the blue and gray. Your feedback is quite valuable, so please keep it coming! Many thanks.
Hi, I've made the changes you requested. I removed the "ea" and just thought you might like to see this with a simple yin yang. I was hoping for something a little more unique, but I can keep working on it if you think this isn't quite right for you. Thanks!
Hi, here are some new versions with more detail in the yin yang. If you generally like the concept, but I haven't gotten the design quite right yet, I can definitely keep working with some additional feedback! Many thanks!