Hello, I've decided to chose this beautiful logo - I love your work. I have a few small suggestions:
can you tip the megaphone in order to make it point a bit upwords? As one of the first versions.
Would it also be possible to make the last E continue to the logo / be attached to the logo? As one of your very first versions?
And can you make a version only of the megaphone - no letters (rektangular logo)?
Hello, can you try to put the megaphone after the letters - as #52. And would it be possible for you to make a version, where it's only the megaphone - no letters. To be used as SoMe-ikon. I've almost decided to use your logo and now have to chose what font I'll go with. Best, Eva
Hello, I like the megafon very much - would it be possible to make a version where the letters are more edgy a readable even when it's small. Eventually a version for a rektangular ikon, where you only use E and H? Thanks, Eva
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can you tip the megaphone in order to make it point a bit upwords? As one of the first versions.
Would it also be possible to make the last E continue to the logo / be attached to the logo? As one of your very first versions?
And can you make a version only of the megaphone - no letters (rektangular logo)?
Thank you very much, Eva
Thanks, Vlad
Here are some more examples. And EH version. Thank you for the comment.