Hello Sevi,
Thank you for your designs.
The thing I liked most about your work is that you have come up with a symbol that that is different to all of the other designs I have received. I'm not 100% sold on the symbol itself or the use of the E but I like that it is different to the other design ideas so that thank you for your input. I prefer the Blue and Green colour schemes used by the other designers if I am honest and would prefer the Blue to be more vibrant and brighter. The reason I chose this design over your other design is because I preffered where you have placed the symbol for the E. However I preferred the colours you chose in Entry 5 by ommiting the Yellow.
I hope that this feedback is useful to you and I hope to receive some more designs from you in the future.
Please let me know if there is anymore feedback I can give you?
Kind regards,