EstateCityLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / EstateCity

EstateCity has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 228 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.








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At first thank you very much for your good work. Your logos are very nice, specially the shiny letters. But in our logo it´s not necessary, to have a house or skyline inside. Now it is too much comic-style. But thxx for your great work. Please have a look at our contest brief and the first two logos for example:
We like this one very much:, but the small line under the name like here:
16 years ago
Really a good job. Thanks a lot this time! :-)

Some things to change please.
- We prefer #39 and #38 but the shiny effect from #40 please. Is it possible to get both finished logos #38 and #39, when you win the contest?
- Better to use a more traditional font in the company name "EstateCity", like exactly here Sorry, my mistake. "Estate" in dark-grey and "City" in more bright grey.
- But the font in #39 for "Real Estate & Investment" is very very good at this time! No change there please!
- Please delete the bright grey circle inside the bay/laurel crown.
- But we like very very much the "E" inside the "C" solution! It´s absolutely great! Very very good work! So only this solution instead the bright grey circle, so that we have only the bright grey letters "E" and "C" with your solution inside the laurel/bay.
- Please make the laurel/bay crown more than here In the higher crown it is more bright grey and more down a bit more darg grey. Perhaps we cam make here also a nice shiny effect like in the circle of "EC"?

Thank you very much for your phantastic work! Great job and all the best and warm regards to France from Germany, Munich.

General Director
K. Wolter

16 years ago
Sorry I mean the white "C" and "E" inside the laurel/bay crown #41, which we like. So please only grey letters "C" and inside the big "C" the "E" like they grey colour from the laurel/bay crown. Then please all with shiny effect. Also the crown. We will try. What do you think about the font in "EstateCity"? I don´t know why, but it looks not, like we want, specially the "y" with the arc downside. Thxx.
16 years ago
I try to translate with Google in Francaise. Merci.
16 years ago
Vraiment un bon travail. Merci beaucoup de ce temps! :-)

Il ya des choses à changer s'il vous plaît.
- Nous préférons # 39 et # 38, mais l'effet brillant de la n ° 40 s'il vous plaît. Est-il possible d'avoir terminé les deux logos # 38 et # 39, quand vous avez gagné le concours?
- Mieux vaut utiliser une police plus traditionnelles dans le nom de l'entreprise "EstateCity", exactement comme ici Désolé, mon erreur. «Succession» en gris foncé et de "ville" plus brillant gris.
- Mais la police dans le # 39 pour le «Real Estate & Investment» est très très bon en ce moment! Pas de changement là s'il vous plaît!
- S'il vous plaît supprimer le cercle lumineux de gris à l'intérieur de la baie / couronne de laurier.
- Mais nous avons très très bien, comme le "E" à l'intérieur du "C" solution! Il est absolument génial! Très très bon travail! Ainsi, seule cette solution plutôt que le cercle gris lumineux, de sorte que nous ne disposons que de la lumière grise des lettres "E" et "C" de votre solution à l'intérieur du laurier / baie.
- S'il vous plaît prendre le laurier / baie couronne plus de ici. Dans la couronne supérieure, il est plus lumineux et plus de gris un peu plus darg gris. Peut-être nous faire cam ici aussi un joli effet brillant, comme dans le cercle des "CE"?

Merci beaucoup pour votre travail fantastique! Great job et tous les meilleurs et les plus chaleureux pour ce qui concerne la France, d'Allemagne, Munich.

General Director
K. Wolter
16 years ago
Désolé, je veux dire l'blanc "C" et "E" à l'intérieur du laurier / baie couronne # 41, ce qui nous plaît. Donc, s'il vous plaît seulement gris lettres "C" et à l'intérieur du grand «C», le «E» comme ils le gris de la couleur de laurier / couronne de laurier. Alors s'il vous plaît avec effet brillant. Aussi la couronne. Nous allons essayer. Que pensez-vous de la police dans "EstateCity"? Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais elle ne concerne pas, comme nous voulons, en particulier le "y" à l'arc baisse. Merci boucou.
16 years ago
The letters in #41 should be shiny. Please change like #31 or #40. Merci
16 years ago
We also like #40 very much, but whis the changes in the the laurel/bay crown above.
16 years ago
Merci boucou for your new logos.

- We like #38, #39, #40 and #43.
- We also like the font from #40 and #43.
- But please try the big "C" and "E" in the crown only as grey letters.
- The font "EstateCity" in #43 please shiny like in #40.
- If it is possible please one logo with font #39 but shiny and one more logo with font #43 but shiny.
- 2 logos with big crown above and font #43, shiny and font #39, shiny.
- 2 logos with small crown left and font #43, shiny and font #39, shiny.

When you win the contest, can you give us two logos? One logo where the crown is on the left and one more logo where the crown is bigger and above the company name "EstateCity"? Is this OK?

16 years ago
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