Did you want more of the images you mentioned added to a particular designs. Or do you mean in replacing an image within a particular design? Please let me know. Thanks,
Hi Marcelo, Adding the images to exisitng logo would be great. Adding to your entries #5 #11 and #12.
On Entry #5 and #12 extend the shovel slightly on left hand side so you can clearly see it is a shovel. On #12 I would change the 'asparagus spear' in the "F" to a tree - something with branches. Looks too phallic to me.
If the yellow can be a bit brighter too that would be nice - could be my laptop but it looks a little dull in color.
Thanks for the feedback. I initially went with a muted color so it's not your laptop. Now that the my designs have been narrowed down a bit, I will work on variations of them. Just let me know what adjustment you would like to see. Thanks.
BTW - Where is your farm located? Cool idea with bartering!
Hi Marcelo - yes - I would re-focus on the images I had described - the rock theme was a great start however I am resonating more with the produce (apples, peaches, strawberries) and deer, bear, bees and mountains...
I really enjoyed your images and look forward to seeing if you can incorporate the items mentioned above. No need for a music theme. Was good to get things going.
It may be too late to change direction with only hours to go (unless you extend the Top 5 phase), I'll try, but I won't be able to do 17 new versions. :( Also, can you tell me a bit more about the name? Since the music part is dropped, I imagine that the word "Rock" was initially something else, a city name maybe? or a monument? Please let me know so that I can try to incorporate the name into the design somehow.
If it has no other meaning, have you thought about simply calling it Petersen's Farm? Can I try that? Otherwise, it sounds like it's a farm where you raise rocks. :D I don't know what this means, but when researching Rock Farm I found this: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rock%20farm ?????
HI Marcelo - the word Rock comes from the address - Rock Farm Lane. The "farm" or soil all around the property is full of rocks. I apologize for not being clear about this early on.
The music part was simply a play on words - and I had mentioed the music is usually playing loud around here so rocks in the soil and rock music playing loud were themes that jumped out initially.
I don't really expect you to redesign 17 logos - but if you can incorporate the images I described I think you would have a good shot as your work was / is great.
let me know if there is anything else I can describe....or explain.
I figured there must be something else to the name. That makes sense now.
I'll see what I can come up with, my schedule is a bit tight today, but I have a vested interest in the contest now - lol. You also mentioned a pick-up truck, if you see my profile portfolio there is an old style pick-up which I can incorporate (somewhere in the last pages), can you tell me if you think it might work. I see your favoring brighter colors, I change them to add more vibrancy. Also, do you still want to see the shovel guitarist in brighter colors. That one got some real nice compliments from other designers here. Please let me know.
I thouyght I had written a response but now I don't see it. Arg,.
Pick up truck can be optional - not key, I'll see if I can find it in your portfolio, Yes I like the brighter colors - and vibrancy You can omit the shovel guitar motif - I am liking the fruits, mountains, bees, deer, bear etc I think that plays more in to the message I am trying to convey - there will be labels made for honey, jams, canned veggies etc that the logo will match better if it has those elements on/in it - =while the guitar shovel was very cool, it wasn't a good match fo rmy farm - again even though the address is Rock Farm lane - there are tons of rocks and I play music pretty loud pretty often,
OK I hit the reset button last night and figured, I'll give this a fresh start with the new direction. I include as much as of your elements I could get in without it looking like I forced too much into it. I was going to just submit a version or two, but then I got on a roll. The only thing I did not add was the bear and rocks... which I can. Having been in the food packaging business for over about 12+ years, I set my sight on your last comment about this also maybe being a label.
Also, I played off the barter/trade aspect with the the arrows pointing (exchanging) with each other.
The one issue I forgot to ask about was the fonts. Do you still want a squealer font? Due to my rush against the clock, I tried to incorporate as much as the new direction as possible, but keep in mind, that it is my style that I am proposing for now. The fonts, color and even the layout composition can be adjusted to your preference. :)
one maybe quick edit --- instead of hioney comb do you have any other images of a bee hive ? Maybe the actual 'stack' of bee hives with an inverted Vee roof on top of the bee hive boxes - maybe I can post a url of a picture if I can go find one... or a bee hive like in nature the rounded one hanging from a tree? not to copy what else was submitted.
I like the comb idea but it's an image that isn't immediately clear to the viewer -= what do you think?
All the illustrations are hand drawn so what ever you need, I can be draw it for you. Do you have a link to the type of hive you need? I imagine it is a traditional beekeeper's hive, but I can also draw a natural hive. Another options is a honey jar with a dripping honey spoon. BTW few free to edit the the contents in the design by eliminating anything else. Since, I was racing against the clock, I went all-in with my designs to show you options. Please let me know about the hive. At this point only the designer ranked First has a submit button. Any changes required will require a bit of musical chairs.
Also, I kept the fonts to what I had done initially, since it was the wee hours for me (hence the screen my screen name). Finally I just had to give up since I have now pulled 3 all-nighters in a row, and I could hardly focus my eyes - lol.
I almost forgot to ask, what is the significance of the bear? I imagine, like the deer, that they are commonly seen, or is it something else?
Anyway, please let me know about the hive, since it will take me a bit of time to draw and then I will need you to temporarily re-rank me in order for me to upload. You can then re-rank again afterwards.
I never got a response for my last comment. I enjoyed the contest, it was fun. Julio is a good designer, nice choice. Fortunately I was able to get my logo on my website this morning and it might have already sold. :) So all's good.
BTW- you never answered where you're located, I'd love the opportunity to do some trading/bartering if your close enough.
HI Marcelo, My apologies for not getting to your last set of questions.. The bears are roaming all over the property - just like the deer and other wild animlas around here. I am in Madison NH - it is about 2 1/2 hours north of Boston - the beginning of the White Mountains. Yes, Julio did a great job. You also did a terrific job too and I thank you for your time and effort.
If there's anything else I can do for you let me know.,