Yes I really appreciate and respect my fellow designers. If you have other feedback, I will be happy to do it. Feel free to let me know if you have the necessary adjustments. I will give the best for you.
Thank you for your request. I went to check it out and the treatment was already being used by other contestants and I didn't have it in the blind phase, so I couldn't send it because I had to be fair and respect it. Sorry if the concept is not optimal enough to offer you the blind phase.
yes sorry my fault.
but after that i check again all entries of contest other designer have do this concept. so i cant submit it. because i didnt have this concept on blind phase.
By angle, I mean where the e transitions into the c. You took the taper in the wrong direction. You have the right taper on design #165. I do like how you are joining the lower gray part of the c in the middle.
1) restore the taper (how the thickness of the C goes from thick to narrow)
2) remove the point a bit, I'll provide a link to a mock up I'll create.
3) keep the font adjustments here to bring the l, b and h down in height.
4) keep the gap where on the C where the blue meets the gray.
All three of these, you got the font right. The ec graphic isn't right on any of them. You lost the size and the taper on the C. By taper, I mean the thickness of the C gets smaller on the old design from left to right until its just a sharp point.
Can you submit a revision with the font where the l b and h are the same height as the dot in the i?
Along with that want you to change the C to have the taper it does now, but with a bit of a rounded tip, not as pointed. I'd send you a mockup if I could find a way to do that here.
No, that's not it. What I am looking for, is to start from the pointy design, keep the taper. Then remove the point a little bit, leaving it rounded and less severe.
In the previous designs, I like how the gray almost matches the angle of the blue in the middle.
This one is closer to the angle I was looking for in my comment on #111. Keep this one, but change the blue to a royal blue and remove the space between the words.
I like the basics of this one. I'd like to request a couple of improvements:
1) removed the space between equilibrium and coaching, so its equilibriumcoaching
2) I would like a lighter blue, not drastically. Less navy and more royal blue.
3) I would like to see the ec on top with more space and angle between them, similar to #84. Keep the basics the same, like where the gray and blue of the C meet, and the points of the C are fine.
Like this one... You can remove the "Become the... " line, I don't want that in there. My bad. Also, the C needs to be softer, and without the points on the right. Its uninviting to me. And if you can make the infinity of the e and c combo a little less perfect, similar to what the example logo I provided has.
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but after that i check again all entries of contest other designer have do this concept. so i cant submit it. because i didnt have this concept on blind phase.
And round the points of the C just a touch.
Thank's :)
1) restore the taper (how the thickness of the C goes from thick to narrow)
2) remove the point a bit, I'll provide a link to a mock up I'll create.
3) keep the font adjustments here to bring the l, b and h down in height.
4) keep the gap where on the C where the blue meets the gray.
Along with that want you to change the C to have the taper it does now, but with a bit of a rounded tip, not as pointed. I'd send you a mockup if I could find a way to do that here.
In the previous designs, I like how the gray almost matches the angle of the blue in the middle.
On the C, could you make the points a little bit less severe?
I will try.
I will try to improve to be better.
Best Regard
Ngamaz :)
1) removed the space between equilibrium and coaching, so its equilibriumcoaching
2) I would like a lighter blue, not drastically. Less navy and more royal blue.
3) I would like to see the ec on top with more space and angle between them, similar to #84. Keep the basics the same, like where the gray and blue of the C meet, and the points of the C are fine.
Is it like this?
I will try :)