#16 We really like this concept. Could you please strike the "Guns used in self-defense" text and possible provide two or three versions of this logo? Thanks for the great design, we love it!!
#30 The bird/eagle in this style is too stylized for us. We are still really big fans of #16 concept as reflected by our third place rank. Would you mind testing some different (but similar) color combinations (greens, browns, silvers) with a white background too. Also could you place an "=" between the words Equal and Force to see how it looks? Thanks for all of the great designs. We open to any other cool concepts if you just want to toss out some "off the wall" ones.
#16 I like your addition to the start on the eagle of your last entry #69. Could you add a similar start to #16 and maybe make it a bit larger. Also maybe add a target too in place of the star in another version. Please see our comments about this addition to the Equal Force text on the main contest page. Thanks for all of your great designs we really appreciate all of your efforts!
#70 please make start bigger and eliminate the text. Replace with the text from your #16 entry. with the possible addition of a target between Equal and Force. I really like the changes to the eagle: proportions, upward angled wings, etc . Thanks for these design changes we love them!
We really like this design. I think the eagle looks a lot cooler. Would you please make the star on the head larger and replace the "=" with a scope/target from the other designs. Then I think this might be top 1 or 2.
#1 We love this design. Could you please use this eagle and make the star larger and replace this tet in #1 with the text from #2. Move the target/bullseye in between the words equal and force.
Is the same design with different color variations.. Please feel free to share with me your comments and thoughts you may have. Best Regards Orestis/Sero