Thank you for your entries! I particularly like #1. The curvy graphic that cuts into the letter "E" is interesting. It makes me think of a stream....which is relevant to the energy industry because we commonly refer to the "upstream" and "downstream" sectors of the industry. Basically, energy (or sources of energy) has to be discovered/generated (upstream) then distributed (downstream) to end users.
#14 looks good. I have a couple thoughts, though. I'd be interested to see "EFG" as all the same color, with a "stream" cutting through it like you have it. I'd also be interested to see the "E" in #14 be made whole, without the chunk cut out of the left side. Lastly, I'd be curious to see a version with the "stream" winding from the top left corner of "EFG" to the bottom right corner. Not sure if that would work, though.
Thanks for responding to my notes. Let me know if I need to clarify.
I think Entry #1 is still our favorite. However, could you do a version with burnt orange instead of red? Also, please try to match the University of Texas burnt orange as close as possible. Here are a couple of reference points:
1) (the logo at the upper right corner of the home page has the right orange) 2) (the banner at the top of the page is a good example, too)