Let me know if you still want to try the animal character . I can put you higher in rankings since I missed your message before it ended. The top one is an animal right now but we are struggling with the age appeal.
I have an animal character logo but am hesitant to put in because if this logo is supposed to work for both young kids & teenagers, I think maybe it's concept is too young, so am sticking more toward variations on this one. Figure it is fun/bright & graphic to appeal to multiple ages.
a little more along that line, since they are separate symbols that work together to form something, it can also play into teamwork, learning from one another and diversity. (Ok, I'll stop now lol).
Noticed with a slight shift in the angle of the checks/people they form a star shape/flower shape which could pertain to either blooming or being a star/accomplishing things. Probably going too into possibilities here lol, but just throwing relative ideas out there :)
Just wanted to let you know that I haven't been ignoring your input. :) Have been trying some dimensional effects, but so far they've only diluted the graphic impact. Will keep trying, as well as maybe trying some placement variations and maybe a few others. Thx again.
you could use the individual colored marks individually within the brochure next to each of the categories of classes you offer, the marks are meant to have a sort of I am here, this is me type of feel (got a little bit of swagger to the gesture)
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