Hi there, thanks again for the contest invite, apologies for the time it took to get some entries in. If you see any elements from the logos I've uploaded so far, that you'd like to combine into one, let me know. Thanks!
It's not a problem at all. I am hooked on the logo you did "Birdman's logo. I would like to see more art in it (i.e.) a tent or some sort of a beautiful crest? I just want it to not be the norm.. I want alot of creativity in it. You have full range to be as creative as possible. thanks
I had been actually working on some artwork for this before I submitted the other ones. Just my initial thought for Enchanting Events, I think of Cinderella, (as most brides want to be) and I thought a good symbol might be her pumpkin carriage (without getting too 'pumpkiny')
The other entries, are based off that last link you posted for the logo example. Another thought would be to take the intials "EE" and incorporate them onto the carriage? Or the fancy crest you mentioned.
Hi again. Not sure which direction you were wanting to take with the color, but keep in mind any design I submit can be in in color you want. :-) I'm just varying it up and taking guesses.
Thank you for the many options that you have sent over. Is there any other font you can use for the "E" in the circle? Are we still getting a sample of one like http://www.stylemepretty.com/ ?
Yes, absolutely on the dots, and I will try different E fonts for sure. :-)
And now, for clarification on doing one like stylemepretty.com --- the reason that works so well is it is three words, so that big cursive "ME" in the middle is what makes it look distinct, plus the hummingbird. I AM still working on a hummingbird for you, I'm not happy with how it's turning out so far. :-P So given that, I am certainly trying to go in that direction.
Hi, Just wanted to apologize AGAIN for the delay in response and revisions to the designs. I have been sick with a cold since yesterday. :-( Also, nice to see you are finally getting some other submissions you can work with. :-)
I have uploaded one with the dots around the circle as requested varying with a couple of different 'E' styles.
Thank you so much for the submissions! I totally understand everyone here is sick as well... It started with my 21month old son and has spread (we couldn't resist his kisses) . I am in the process of ranking them now. Thanks so much for adjusting to our needs.