I like the lettering, but instead of the circle can you please use something else. something more in line with the stock market and the ticker. something very simple. look at the stock market and the ticker in the stock market.
all of these are very nice. can you please give me something that has to do with the stock exchange though? we are in the stock trading business. something, the same colors, but that has to do with stock markets. trading stocks and watching the ticker go up and down on a graph... something subtle and simple. make people that seee the logo understand that we are a stock trading company, involved with trading money in the stock market.
great design concept. can you please take #31 and give me 3 different versions:
1. make the lettering the same size as the globe 2 put two small dots over the two i's in Emini 3. use the same blue for emini but different colors and different shade of red for strategy
4. give me some more concepts using the same lettering and globe..... can you add some more pizzaz to the globe/
Hey Logoz, You are number 1 so far! Can you please show me this version of the logo:
Keep everything the same, but can you spell the EMINI like this: E-mini
That's how everybody spell E-mini, try to keep the E and the mini the same size so everything lines up. so the dots on top of the i's should line up with the top of the E
Entry # 69 is the best logo made yet! I really like it! So..... now we have to choose you as a winner!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations. You are the winner, but I just need one more thing from yuo and then you can pocket this money: make one version of the logo as large as possible, one medium sized, and one final version of the logo the normal size like the one above. The reason is that we need it to be big enough for shirts and cups, one version for just a regular letter head and etc. and version small for the website and things like that.....
Let me know if you can do that, if you can and you got it done, I will choose you asthe winner and the contest will be done.