#2 - I like the emblem. Can the left side of the M be purple as well? Can we do away with the quadrant square and replace with a key hole?
#3 - I feel compelled to ask what this design would look like with a thin line in lime green underneath and word 'REALTOR' spread out underneath that would look like. Can this be done?
#20 - I like this design very much! I'd like the letter on the 'key' to be more square or cleaner --- not rounded edges. How would the name look in lime green color? Can the name be bigger --- maybe flipping the key down and placing the name on top? Please let me know if that can be done. THANK YOU!
#29 - Yes! That is the idea I had in mind....however, I'm not too thrilled with the way the EM of the key looks. It breaks apart and does not flow as well as when the EM are on top. I like much better #31, can you make the lines of the EM as thick as the line that makes the key design -- this way it all looks the same thickness?
#31 - I REALLY REALLY like this design! Can you make the purple E (the part that is with the key) the same size as the last E in the word ELLE? This way the name is squared --- the letters finish in the same space & line up. THANK YOU - great work!
Hi Montero..Forgive me because I have withdraw my entry in the first place, because I just realized it was similar to other designers. and this is not fair if I still maintain that design. But don't worry I will submit other designs that you need. Thanks.
Thank you, BOD. I disagree as your entry #20 was the first design to use the E and M in the key. I was HIGHLY disappointed this morning to see that #31 was withdrawn!!! Design #45, can you make the key like the one in #47 -- maybe even a little bigger? Thank you!
I apologize if this really makes you disappointed, but I also have to respect "revotype" who brought this case to the LC (Logo Court), and other designers were of the opinion that I should remove my design. Once again I'm so sorry..
I will be working on the your revision thank you for entrusting to me.